Frisk: The 3 Musketeers! . . . Plus Frisk and Maya!

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"Frisk! Frisk!"

Other times, if someone was to call out my name in a frantic manner like that, I would have just shrugged it off and go back to sleep, drifting off in the darkness of my mind. However, it was as if these voice washed away the darkness, and replaces them with light. Warm, comforting, reassuring light.

'Wake up'

My eyes shot open, and I was blessed in seeing my three angels hovering above me with wide eyes.

"Thank God! You're alive!" Chara gasps, kneeling down as he held me into his arms despite of all of the blood and mud that was all over me. It was like I couldn't help the tears falling from my eyes once I immediately wrapped my arms around Chara while he wrapped his around mine.

"Homegirl, its okay. . we're here now. ."

"We thought that we'd never see you again. . " Asriel puffs out, the other two boys kneeling down next to me before we all huddled into a soft, warm group hug.

Jesus. . I never knew that this many tears can come out of my eyes at the exact same time. . I'm literally like a running faucet.

"Can you stand up?" Chara asks softly, I nod in response, slowly raising up with the help of him as we stood into a group hug once again before letting go of each other after a minute.

"Where's Maya? Is she alright?"

"She's under Asgore's protection." Hanzo explains, "We doubt that Mr. Song'll be after her, but we still have her hidden away from him for safety measures."

"That's amazing to hear. ."

"Do you know where Mr. Song is?"

"He knew that you guys were coming. . and he weirdly just. . left. . " I try to explain,

"You're right." Asriel nods, "The longer we stand here, the more time he has into whatever sick plan that he has in mind."

"Homegirl. . . What is that on the wall?" Hanzo shudders. . Pointing at the three men on the wall with his shaky finger.

". . . Let's just say that they helped Song with doing the things that he did. . ."

Thankfully, they all understood, pulling me in for another hug once again.

"Should have told me about these assholes sooner, princess. . . I would have fed their bodies to the lions at the zoo."

"Hanzo, bloody hell- what is up with you and zoos?"

"Dunno, the lions deserve better served meat! That organic that they give them definitely will not do for their stomachs! And they eat anyone, even bastards like them!"

Asriel just stared at him with his lips quivering in pure disgust.

"I'm not even gunna ask how you even know that. . ."

"Me and my mom always went to zoos, it was one of my favorite places to go as a little kid!"

"Sure, I bet that's the case. ."

"It is, goat head!"


"Azzy! Please! Let's get going!" Chara shouted out at the two, with them both apologizing and looking away from one another. 

From there, we all walked our way towards the van. I sat beside Chara while the other two sat in the front of the van and started to drive away from the house.

"I just notified dad about our current location, he said that he's sending some men to come and investigate the scene." Asriel explains while he was in the passenger's seat. 

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