Chara: What Happened To Her Voice?

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"Wow. . . Um. . .Why is homegirl tied up?"

"Its one helluva story. . "

"I'm willing to hear it. And just to let y'all know, I am not polyamorous. . not saying that its anything wrong with it! But its just not my preference per say."

"That's not the reason, dumbass!" Frisk sighs out while laying her head onto the table. 

"Enough with the arguing, both of you!" I called out, "I'll tell you everything that we know. You just have to trust us on this. ."

By then, me and Frisk helped Azzy and Hanzo catch up on the events that happened to us. Asriel was too stunned to speak, while Hanzo took in all of the information. Rubbing his chin while trying to contemplate on a plan. 

"So, what you're telling me. . . is that your dad is the cause of all of this?" Hanzo asked, 

Frisk nodded in response, 

"And he was experimented on by your step-grandpa?"

She nods once again, 

"And he also wasn't father of the year?"

". . He's literally Satan himself. . ." She whimpers, fixing her voice before speaking again. "He possessed me in hopes to take over my body to do God knows what. So this is why I'm in handcuffs."

"I'm sorry that you have to go through this, Frisk. . " Asriel lets out, "Just know that we are here for you. . you've always been there for us when we needed you. . its about time that we should do the same for you, right?"

Me and Hanzo both nodded our heads in agreement. Meanwhile Frisk stared at us with anxious eyes, her lip quivering slightly before she shook her head. 

"I'm alright. . thanks for the-"

"Homegirl. . we need you to tell us what happened. . the more we know about him the better." Hanzo cuts her off, "I know its gunna be hard but trust me, I had a asshole of a dad too and he was such a dickhead. There is no judgement here, we promise."

". . . If I do, you'll think different of me. . ."

"Of course we won't!" Asriel protests, scooting his chair over to her side, "We will still love you no matter your past. ."

"Right. ." I agree, doing the same thing as Asriel. "I will still see you as the sweet, strong, caring, badass Frisk that you are today. . I love you. . "

"Awwww, so cute! ~" Hanzo squealed, Frisk only bit her lip in nervousness, looking around anxiously as if someone was right behind her back watching her every move. 

"Is he here with us, Frisk?" Asriel whispered, and Frisk shook her head. 

"No. . I'm sorry for scaring you. ."

"Don't apologize, homegirl! None of this is your fault, I promise you. . " He holds onto her hand, "At least we can all agree that our fathers weren't the best."

"Well, my original dad was amazing. . Asgore's a great father too. He's just a bit strict. . "

"Well my dad was a dick. . hated me for every single thing that I did." Hanzo purses his lips, "But hey, we've all been through some shit. Either big or small but think about it; if none of this happened, we wouldn't have met each other! Imagine, Frisk and Chara wouldn't have met and you guys are like butter & bread! And not to mention I wouldn't have met my fluffy knight in shining armor~" Hanzo then purrs, making Asriel gag. 

"Ew. Get away from me, please. . but as much as I hate you. . you're right. None of us wouldn't have met at all if it wasn't for what has happened. So how about we think about it this way; our hardships gave us our miracles."

"Am I your miracle, Azzy?" Hanzo looks over at him with puppy eyes. 

". . . To be honest. . . I wouldn't know what I would do without your annoying ass. . ."

Hanzo lets out a shocked gasp, before jumping into Asriel's lap while squealing. 

"Eeeee!~ He loves me, y'all!"

"I didn't say that! Get off of me, you knob!"

Frisk and I laughed from the two, before Frisk then goes over to my side to whisper in my ear. 

"They're so cute, aren't they? Why couldn't they just get together already?"

"I dunno, I guess its kinda like how we were. We're like polar opposites and I guess they are too."

"Hm. I guess so." Frisk snickers, before laying her head on my shoulder. "I'm so glad that I met you, Chara. ."

". . I'm happy that I met you too, Frisk. . I don't know where I'd be now. ."

"I know where I'd be. Losing a million dollars from stupid gambling."

We both laugh again, before I then take a hold of Frisk's hand.

"So, are you gunna tell us about your dad and what he did?"

". . I will, I promise. I'm just afraid that he may come back at the wrong time. ."

"No, I get it. It can be hard to open up, trust me, I was the grand poobah of hiding the most important shit. ."

Frisk smiled, leaning over to give me a kiss. 

"Love you, dork."

"Hm, I love you more, beautiful . ."

Frisk then sits up, all of us getting serious after our small moment,

"Whenever your ready, baby. ." I whisper to her. She shivers slightly, clearing her throat before she started. 

"Before I explain it all, I would like to say. . that my name isn't actually 'Frisk'. . . and I'm not from here. . "

"Pfft- hey, there is no need to be ashamed, hon." Hanzo laughs, "Half of us has already played identity fraud before, so there is absolutely no reason to feel bad."

Hanzo's small comment made Frisk smile, her posture more relaxed as she took a deep breath.

"My original name, is-" She cut herself off, gasping before she screamed out in pain. "Back away! " She warns up. And without a budge, the three of us backed away from the table to give her space, but I decided to stay a bit closer; so that she wouldn't hurt herself in the process of containing her body. 

The scene was almost similar to when we were in the house, she twisted and turned in the seat, her hands clenched into a fist with her iris being a bright white. A few seconds later, her screams abruptly stopped before she then looked up. Her eyes. . being a bright yellow?

"Song Eun-Ji. ." Her voice was not her voice at all. . . it was very raspy and deep. . almost like an middle aged man. . . "Song Eun-Ji was that little whore's name. . . the one who took away my life. . ."

". . . Uhh. . . " Hanzo coughed, standing back up shakily from behind the table,

"Not to be rude or anything. . . but what in the seven hells happened to her voice?!"

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MISSION TALE III: REVAMPED


I love you all and be sure to take care of yourselves! 💓

And as always and if you can, be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments! I love to read and reply to them when I get the chance to uwu

Until the next update, beautiful people!  Byeee!!💗

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