Frisk: You Should Smile More, Sweetheart.

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Trigger Warning!!: Mentions of Sexual Assault, if you are uncomfortable with this topic I apologize in advance! Be sure to skip this chapter and move on to the next one! </3

So, Asgore kicked me out of the building, you might be wondering why, and its simple; I'm not gonna sleep until we find the bastard who blew up Royal Crown. But, of course, with Asgore acting like we don't take out bad guys for a fuckin' living, suggested that I should try leaving out on my own to ease my mind from the stress and anxiety from the case. He literally forced me to take the day off. . . 

I decided to go out and take a stroll across the mall, maybe buy some clothes that are cheap and cute for Chara and the gang, maybe get Maya something nice as well. The mall was empty due to the horrible weather, so it was easier for me to go around and do my own thing without being stuck in a huge crowd.

 I walked into a small clothes shop, since it was a discount store; and I would be damned to pay for then twenty dollars for a piece of cloth that looks duller than my ass. I browsed across the store, managing to find a pretty flower dress to give to Maya; and before you ask, I asked for her clothes size before I got here, same with everyone else so that I wouldn't have to come back into this mall and reign hellfire upon everyone who was unfortunate to come during a thunderstorm. 

Once I grabbed a few cute outfits for Maya, I walked my way into the men's section in hopes to find some clothes for the guys. A man walks over to me and taps my shoulder with narrow eyebrows.

"Hey, young lady. What are you doing at the men's section?"

"Hey, old jackass. Why don't you mind your business?" I roll my eyes, going back to what I was doing while he looked at me with a frown.

"That's not a way to treat an elder.'

"Sorry, just learn how to mind your business. . . you don't know my situation."

"Oh just loosen up, would ya?" He chuckles, putting his hand on my shoulder. "You should smile more, sweetheart, frowning and moping around could get ya' gray hairs by thirty!"

'You should smile more, sweetheart' , 

"Daddy, I don't like this. . Its cold. . "

"Smile for me, sweetheart. You're on camera!"


Without even realizing it, I accidentally punched the poor old guy in the gut. I blinked a few times before I could actually see the poor guy on the floor moaning in pain and agony.

"Shit, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

"Ah, I'm fine. Sorry to scare you, I can understand that women these days would feel uncomfortable with a man putting their hands on them."

I help him up, helping him brush off his shirt. 

"I'm so sorry. . "

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