🦈Chapter 1🦈

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(H/C) = hair color
(E/C) = eye color
(F/F) = favorite food
(F/C) = favorite color
(F/C) = favorite color

I was laying on my floor drawing pictures of the sea life outside my room you see I live in a dome with my two dads at first when I came to live down here I was so scared

Staying in the dome worried it would break but I've gotten over that fear a long time ago!

The picture I was drawing was a turtle, the reason I was drawing a turtle was cause this little turtle keeps swimming around the dome so I thought why not draw it

I have lots of pictures hung up of other sea creatures I thought were cool or cute, I am homeschooled but I like it that way

I start it humming as I kicked my legs back and forth as I finished my drawing once I was happy with it I get up and grabbed my drawing I was about to leave my room but stop when I heard something from behind me

I turned still holding the doorknob but nothing was there "huh must be Mr turtle" I say and walk out of the room to where my father was working

I called my one father or papa the other I call dad to not confuse them I walk up to the door where my father was working I slowly opened it up to see papa working on something I didn't know what

I slowly close the door behind me "papa" I say as my papa turns to me smiling "what's up Y/n?" I walked up to him and showed him my drawing "I made Mr turtle!"

My father chuckled and took my drawing smiling "let's hang it up okay?" I nodded as papa hung my drawing up by his desk on the clear glass dome walls "there we go!"

I smiled as my papa had many of my drawings on his walls by his desk. He says it's to remember me when he's working "yay!" I lift my arms in the air smiling big

My father picks me up and spins me around in the air "let's go see what dad's doing" papa said carrying me over to the kitchen I wrapped my arms around his neck

Papa and dad were the best I'm so glad they took me instead of some mean people me and papa walked down the halls I was busy looking out the dome the little fish that lived around were so pretty

They kinda look like a rainbow with their pretty colors "hey Y/n me and your dad were thinking about going to the beach later would you like to go?" My head snapped up at that

"I wanna go!" I say "okay okay! But let's get your dad and eat before we go" I nod once we made it to the I could see dad cooking I jump out of papa's arms and run up behind me and surprise hug him

"Wh-oh Y/n you scared me there!" Dad said turning around and picking me up into his arms "I just was telling them about going to the beach later" my papa said taking some food out of the pan and eating it

"Hey, it's not done yet, do you mind?" Dad said glaring at papa "dad it's fine papa was just hungry" I say to dad "yeah what they said"

Papa said finishing the food he had just taken "fine but your helping me clean up after I hope you know" Papa looked at dad with a look saying 'are-you-joking-me' "now don't have me that look"

"Dad can I help you set the table please!" I say hugging him tighter "of course dear" dad set me down as he went to grab some plates "here are some plates can you please go set those down for daddy please?"

I nodded taking them and running over to the table it was a bit hard with how big the table was and how short I was still being a child and all


I watched Y/n set the table for dinner. I couldn't shake the feeling of something bad happening to my child "hey you good hun?" I turned to my husband he

Looked at me worriedly "I'm fine, just worried is all" I say Turing the oven off I jumped when someone hugged me from behind "why are you worried?" My husband asked

"Well Y/n is still really young you know what they are and what could happen I just don't want anyone to hurt our child is all," I say Feeling sad that we have to be more overprotective of our child

With everything "hey don't worry that kid can take care of themselves and I know they will do just fine so I wouldn't worry too much okay?"

I nodded as I turned around and kissed him on the Lips me being slightly shorter, him being 5'11 and me being 5'10 I rolled my blue eyes at him "papa dad please why in the kitchen!?"

We both turn to see y/n covering their eyes I start to laugh "sorry dear here the food is done you can wait at the table I'll bring it out in one second" y/n uncovers their eyes and ran off to where the table was

I brushed some blonde hair out of my eye and grabbed the food "hey dear need some help?" I turned to my husband and nodded he grabbed the other stuff I couldn't and helped me bring it to the table

"Dad, it looks amazing!" I smile down at my child and ruffle their hair "aww thank you, hun!" I place their food down and as I seat next to them my husband seats on the other side of them


"So y/n what are you doing today?" Papa asked "oh well I mostly was drawing I did play with the little fish outside out," I say bringing some food up to my mouth

"That's good to hear sorry I was really busy today" I shook my head "no worries papa I know you need to do your work" papa started to hug me "your so sweet for your good" I smile as a small blush cross my face

"Babe please let the kid eat or I'll kick you," dad said glaring at papa "okay okay please don't kick me again!"

I start to laugh as my papa starts to beg my dad not to kick him god I'm am so grateful for the both of them

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