🦈chapter 9🦈

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I was sitting in my room thinking about what Killer was talking about "what does he mean by what I am? I'm human right?" I asked to no one in particular "Ugh!" I grabbed my pillow and hit it out of frustration


"Hun I'm pretty sure y/n knows" I said to my husband as I played with his light blonde hair "what do you mean?" He asked "well they took my book and I saw them talking with one of them" my husband stop citing the food as he turned to me

"Well we can't hide the truth from them forever they have to know eventually" he said looking at me as I brushed some strands of his hair out of his face "I know but I'm worried their still a child plus we both agreed to take care of them" I said feeling more worried about our child I love them so much but to lose them or they get hurt I wouldn't been able to live with myself

"Listen I'm pretty they will have to leave their gonna want to know more about their mother if not they would want to know what they are and more of their kind knowing our child" he said turning off the oven "plus I know that our child will be safe if they have them watching over them"

"I guess you're right" I said as I helped him with the stuff he was cutting


As it became night I quietly left my room making sure not to wake dad and papa up

I made it out of the dome without waking them up I had my pj's on since it was it was nighttime and I was going to bed after this I walked around not knowing where Nightmare would be

I went to the beach house and my eyes widened when I saw him there with legs! Like a normal monster up here I didn't know he could do that!?

I ran up to him "Nightmare?" I said as he turned to look down at me he had a small smile on his face "good to see you again y/n'' Night said coming down to my level "I didn't know you had legs?" I say to him "yes it doesn't last for to long but long enough for me to tell you everything" he said "okay I want to know what's going on here" as I said that I seat myself down on the beach house stairs Nightmare stood next to me not sitting down

"What do you want to know First?" He asked I start to think there was a lot of things I wanted to ask "what are you guys?" Was the first question to came to mind "well were mermays there is many different types of us like how some of us are gods'' I nodded no knowing what they were

"What did Killer mean when he said if I want to know what I am?" That has been on my mind ever since I came back home "well that's a very long story but to put it short your part human and part mermay your mother was a friend of mine who has sadly died was a mer like myself she had you with a human man I don't know what your real father is but I made a promise to your mother to protect any of her offspring" I felt sad hearing my birth mother was dead

I always wanted to met my birth parents but I guess not, that would explain how I was able to breathe under water just fine and some of the weeks things that happened through my childhood "I also came here to ask you to come with me and the others we want to find out what happened to your mother none of us know but I felt her magic leave the water meaning he had died plus I'm sure it's much safer with us the longer you stay here the more that people will came I mean it happened just yesterday"

I didn't know what to say. I mean yes I wanted to go and see what happened to my mother but I can't just leave my parents ''what about my dad's?" I asked "I'm pretty sure they already know" I tilt my head not understanding what he meant until he pointed in front of us I turned my head over to see my dad and father there I jumped up to my feet

"Papa, dad what are you doing here!?" I asked "y/n we heard everything plus we already knew when we adopted you that's why we didn't freak out when weird things happened" I can't believe I never knew that my parents knew about me being not being full human

"And you" papa said eyeing Nightmare "if your going to take out child with you, you better keep them safe or so help me" dad placed a hand on papa's shoulder "I already made that promise long ago" dad came over and patted my head

"Y/n listen we already knew that you would end up finding out one day and it pains me to see you leave but I know that it's best you get to know who your mother was and more about what you are" dad moved some of my (H/C) hair out of my face her was smiling but I could see he was hurting on the inside

I turned back to Nightmare"okay I'll go with you I want to know more" Night smiled at me "good you should be ready for tomorrow goodnight" and with that Nightmare went back into the water leaving me alone with my parents "y/n let's go we can talk more about tomorrow okay?" I nodded to them the walk back was so quiet but I knew why 'tonight is gonna be a long night'


I was putting some of my stuff I would need into my bag today I was leaving with Nightmare and the others papa, dad and me talked about it more once we got to my room last night

"Y/n you have everything you need?" Papa asked I nodded to him I had a (F/C) hoodie on with some shorts and shoes

Me and papa walked out from the dome to the beach there dad was there talking to someone dad turned to us waving us over

"Y/n this is (F/N: friend name you can name him anything you want) he's going to go with you he's knows the waters very well" I gave him a wave as he smiled to me wavering back he seemed nice

"Well you two should get going" dad said sadly he came to me hugging close I could he was close to tears "I'll miss you y/n you better came home when it's over" I nodded to him "I will dad" papa patted my back "you better stay safe out there" papa said helping into the boast with (F/N) the boats started as I waved to them goodbye "by papa and dad"

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