🦈chapter 6🦈

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I held the book close to my chest as the man from yesterday came over to where I was he stop right in front of me staring down at me

I felt a bit scared but I didn't want him to see it "your that kid from yesterday" the man said as he crutch down to my height

"S-sir you're not supposed to be here" I said the man's bodyguards were behind me not to far way from us "that doesn't matter now kid where are your parent?" He asked me

"..." I didn't say a thing I didn't trust his man at all not one bit, the man looked down and saw my necklace and the book in my arms, his eyes widened as he turned to his man and nodded

The bodyguards start to walk towards me I backed up as much as I could without falling into the water the bodyguards grabbed me "hey! Let go me help!" I start it to yell and kick they pushed me towards a boat I've haven't seen it wasn't one of my parents boats

They climbed on to the boat with pushed me down to the floor my side hit the floor of the ship hard making me let out a Yelp of pain "what are you doing?!" I yelled at the man

"Your a child you wouldn't understand now hand me the necklace" he said he already had the book I backed up against the ship holding my necklace

I wasn't going to gave it to this man it's the last thing I have of my birth parents "no way I'll ever give this to a man like you!" I yelled to him "look kid your really pissing me off" he said "your just a bad man I don't even know why you want to buy our house but my parents won't let you!"

At that moment I felt a sharp pain in my cheek tears formed in my (E/C) eyes as I held my cheek the man had just hit me in my face

"Sir don't you think that's a bit far hiting a child?" One of his bodyguards asked "shut up or I'll hit you this kid knows some stuff that we need" I didn't understand what he meant by that I want my parents tears fall down my face as shut my eyes

The man tried to open the book but it wouldn't open "I forgot only you can open this" he said turning to me I looked up with terrified eyes "what?" I said still not understanding

"Only you can open this book, do you know why we need you? Well its I wanted to buy this land because there are old ancient sea creatures here who the public thinks went exist" i start to remember the shark skeleton I saw the other day

"So what does that have to do with me?" I asked "well you are the secret to finding these monster and that necklace of yours is the key to this book if you haven't noticed" he said was i really the secret to finding some old ancient sea creatures? I don't believe it one bit this man is mad

I might believe in some dumb things but this is crazy I'm 12 and human "your not making any sense" I said "well no matter were already here I can use you to get them to came out you ruined my another attempt to capture them" ruined? How? "I didn't do anything"

"You see the other day I almost caught one but it got away and ended up at your beach and I saw the net before we left someone had freed them" he said "well their living things too they didn't do a thing to you!" I yelled

"I don't have time to fight with a child, boys" the bodyguards came over and start it tieing my Hands together they pushed me close over to the Edge of the ship I was a bit worried I would fall in

"Your the monster not them" I said glaring at him "oh you little sh-" "boss let's get this over with" the bodyguard cut him off "fine" said the man, the man walked over and pulled my neck right off my neck I tired to run over and grab it but couldn't cause I had two grown men holding me back

The book in his hand start it to glow as he placed my necklace on the gem of the book the book start it flipping through all the pages "I see you found the map" he said "this map is where they are hidden" I felt my blood run cold I couldn't let this man just hurt the sea creatures here they did nothing to him I've lived here for so long and not once have they hurt any of us

"You can't do this!" I yelled I knew this and to be illegal "who gonna stop me you a child you make me laugh" he said I kicked of the bodyguards in the leg and stomped on the others foot making them let me go I ran up the man and kicked him tonight in the private area making fall over he tired to grab the book that had fallen but I kicked it away before he could

"I had enough of you!" He pulled out a small gun and point it at me "I can't kill you but I can still shot you you little brat" I shut my eyes tightly he was about to shot my leg when the ship start it to shake I fall on to my side and start it to slide on the floor

"What is going on there is not storms!?" One of his bodyguards said "you idiot it has to be one of the sea monsters" I hit into the ship I let out a pained cry

It hurt do bad the book came sliding to me I couldn't grab it with my hands tied what scared me next was the ship start it to turn over my eyes went wide I couldn't swim of my hands are tied I start it to panic tears were falling all I wanted were my parents I really shouldn't have left the dome if I didn't I would still be safe at home

I soon felt my body fall into the water "ah!" I tried to kick my legs but it wasn't working i passed out soon after from the shock i was thinking I was gonna die right there's


"Dream please stop I don't care for any humans you know this!" I yelled to Dream beside me we were swimming back to Nightmare

"Aww come on Cross you were liked that kid so what happened you didn't tell me! How did you get these cuts on you?" Dream asked

"Ugh fine I'll tell just don't tell anyone else got it?" I said Dream nodded "good so I guess I was hunting with Killer as we were catching fish a net was thrown over me and I was dragged up but I used my knifes to to get myself partly free I tried to get it out but it wouldn't come off and some how I ended up on that beach over there" Dream tilt his head to the side

"You mean by that dome where those human were living?" I nodded "yes then some kid came out of no where and well helped me they ended up hurting themselves trying to help me" I could see the smile on Dreams face

"Aww Cross you made your Frist human friend!" "No!" Me and Dream both stop as a ship swim over us "Dream that's the same ship that thrown the net on me" I asked pointing at it

We could hear someone yelling out of curiosity we swim up a bit to see the same human child who had helped me the day before

Mine and Dreams eye sockets went wide the man had the key and the book to all of our underwater treasures and maigc the kid was being held back by two other men

"Dream that's the kid" "how does he have the key and the book?!" I placed a hand over Dream's mouth "I don't know but that kid up there looks like their in danger" Dream nodded "your right I can't sit back and watch an innocent child get hurt"

I saw the little human kicked the other two men holding them and what shocked me next was they locked the men right in the area you shouldn't kick

"Damn kid can kick jeez" I said Dream looked at me "really Cross that's what you think of this come on we have to help them" Dream grabbed me and pulled me over the ship

"Help push the ship over" Dream said "but won't the kid fall in?" "Yes but we will be here to grab them hey you never know maybe Nightmare would like some more company?" I shake my head

"I really don't think so" me and Dream start it push the ship over once it was over completely we swim out from underneath it I saw the human child unconscious I grabbed them and pulled them over to me "Dream humans can't breath underwater!"

Dream came swimming over "Cross there breathing just fine?" I looked down to see the child was breathing fine "but humans can't breathe underwater so how?"

"I don't know here bring them to Nightmare he might I know" Dream as I held the child close as we swim deeper into the water back to Nightmare and the others

'i Wonder how they are going to feel having a child down here'

Little Mer Child(Mermay Sanses X Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now