🦈chapter 15🦈

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 : Previously:

I was about to go back into the building when I heard something behind me, I turned back into the creepy dark alleyway behind me as I whispered


: Now:

I didn't get a response I brushed it off thinking it was cat

"Hello." I stop walking as my eyes went wide with fear I slept turned back around staring into the ally "...." I didn't say anything what could I say?

What freaked me out next was glowing green eyes were staring at me through the dark ". who is y-you?" I whispered not wanting to raise my voice at it

"I have many different names, but you can call me anything you like y/n" I felt more scared once it said my name my blood ran cold

My legs felt like they would give out any moment now "how d-do you know?" I asked it "I have seen many things child, but you would do nice and come here for a moment please" it whispered back

I didn't know if it was safe to do so but for some reason I do anyway once I was right, I front of him and the ally I still couldn't see what he looked like in the dark "hold out your hand" I did as he said

I saw pure black like the night shy fingers they looked so sharp claw like nails it placed something in my hand as he grabbed my other hand and closed it over the thing in my hand

"Here you are I must be leaving but I'm sure we will see each other soon enough take care dear child" it said before going back into the darkness I stood there not knowing how to feel

Soon I heard my name being called o started to run over to (F/n) not wanting to stay there any longer "oh there you are" (F/n) said "what are you holding?" I opened my hands to see what he gave me I was surprise to see what he had gave me

It was a beautiful hair pin with a (F/c) flower "where get that?" I turned to him and started to explain what had happened next even five minutes ago

"Jeez that's not creepy at all anyway let's go back to the boat we'll go front here I nodded grabbing his hand we made it back to the boat as he helped me get in without falling once, I sat down I saw the water under the boat move a bit I had a feeling one of the Mer's were there

And as I thought that Killer came out of the water "there you are Night was getting worried even if he won't say it anyway Dream says we should to the next place in the map!" I open the book that (F/n) was holding taking from his hands as he gave me a look of 'did-you-just-grab-it-from my hand?"

I wasn't paying attention to him as I showed Killer the map "I'm guessing were going here next?" I asked as he nodded to me as he swims back to the others leaving me and (F/n) alone

I was looking into the water watching the water mover underneath the boat "y/n" I turned my head over to him having my arms laying on the sides of the boat as I lay my head on them "yes?" I said, "do you know anyone with white hair?" He asked I sat up from where I was

"No? Why?" I asked "no reason here just look over the book some more" he said handing me the book Error gave me I sighed knowing he won't tell me what's wrong I then start to think over everything and that weird thing that handed me the hair pin?

I looked down at it in my hand it wasn't too big maybe the same size of my hands, but my hands are small I lift the pin up

And placed it on the side of my head I got a warm feeling from the pin like from someone I know it was very beautiful but that thing I saw wasn't human

Its hands were black like a void and claw like fingers its eyes had felt like it was burning into my soul I decided to just read the book some more.

Little Mer Child(Mermay Sanses X Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now