🦈chapter 3🦈

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I heard something splashing around "what could that be, maybe a fish?" I say out loud I walk off the dock and slowly Start to walk into the water under the dock

The water only made it to my knees when I saw it a skeleton with a red scar across his cheek he had one of the prettiest tail I have seen he was part skeleton part shark I could tell

Papa taught me the many different types of sharks tails and is how the fins are placed on the tail I could tell very well he was a part shark

He was wrapped up in what I think was a fishing net he was glaring at me and hissing I take a step closer only to jump back when he tried to jump at me through the net, making me almost fall back

"Umm c-can you talk or?" I say "come any closer and I'll bite you" it almost made me jump again when he talked I've never heard of any creature like him before very pretty I must say

I have to draw him once I get back to my room but papa and dad have told me to help any creature in need and that's what I'm going to do!

"Do you need some help there you look like you're in some paint-there" I wouldn't be scared like this if i had never seen something like him? Was it a boy I mean it looks like one but I could be wrong or they could not even have a gender

He didn't respond to that, so I took small and slow steps forward. He hissed, but I tried not to pay attention to it

His tail was bleeding from the net digging and cutting into his tail, I crouch down and slowly lift my hand to the net he did try to bite me but the net made it harder for him to move

Especially in the shallow water, he was a big shark. This water was too low for him "h-hey I'm going to take the net off okay?" He only glared at me

My breathing was heavy I was nervous I saw that I couldn't just pull the net off with how tight it was wrapped around him if I did try that I would only hurt him more

'I couldn't lift him to pull it off so I need to find something Sharp to cut it but what?' I stand up and look around the water getting my arms wet as I looked for a sharp rock or shell that could cut the net off

I wasn't paying attention when my hand skinned over a sharp rock it cut the skin on my hand "oww I'm bleeding" I whispered it hurt a lot but I need to get him free Frist

I grabbed the rock that cut my skin. I was holding on to it as it cut more into the soft skin on my hand. It was painful but the shark skeleton? Was in more pain than I was

I seat on my knees the water being up around my chest now as I start to work on the net I saw that my blood was spreading into the water

Most people would be worried about sharks smelling their blood but most sharks won't swim this low or swim across the ocean plus once a shark sees me they probably wouldn't see me as food

"Almost done," I say, cutting a few more parts of the net once done. The shark tried to swim out but the water was too low like I had said before "here let me help you!" I start to push him into deeper water but stopped when my head went close to going under

The shark could swim now he didn't swim away like I thought he would but he just was looking at me I had to kick my legs and arms to stay above water

I gave him a close eyed smile as he gave me one last look before swimming off "now that I think about how did he end up in a net? Dad and papa don't use nets and no one else is here" that's right

None of us owned nets so how could he get stuck by our beach when we don't even have nets "he also remind me of a mermaid but in shark form" I huffed

And start to swim back to the dock I start to feel more pain in my hand once I was out of the water and my outfit was now wet, "should I tell them about the weird shark skeleton or maybe I should keep it to myself"

I start to make my way back to papa and dad, once they saw me they freaked out and asked me what had happened to my hand and why I was wet I lied and said I fall and my hand laid on a rock we went back to the dome to wrap up my hand

I wanted to know more about the thing I helped earlier. Was it a mermaid or something else? I ended up in

Papa's library looking through some of the books to see if I keep finding anyone them

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