🦈chapter 19🦈

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 I shut my eyes close as he held the needle close to me. I wondered, is this how my mother felt? We were told she was used for experiments back in the day.

I was crying so hard I didn't know how much I could take of everything

"Hey, asshole!" Someone yelled as the man went flying into a wall. I felt someone undo the ropes holding me down "hey calm down I can't do this if you're kicking around!" I turned and opened my eyes to see "H-Horror?" I asked as he smiled and took the thing around my mouth away

"Yup!" He said picking me up as I still felt sick then I realized "umm Horror h-how do you have legs?" I wondered if I'm just hallucinating this.

"Oh well... Nightmare, is to thank for that he used some weird magic on me wanting one of us to go in with you and it's a good thing he did" I nodded as I remember f/n

"Ah, we need to go to that room over there! That's where I last saw f/n" I said as Horror open the door and their F/n was Horror, broke the chain with no problem at all he just ripped it

"Ha, thanks to you okay y/n?" He asked me placing a hand on my forehead

"Jeez I didn't expect any of this to happen sorry Y/n," he said taking me from Horror, "and your fever is getting worse you really need a doctor" with that we ran out of there but before we could leave the door shut on us

"Hmm more Mer's that is just so amazing!" We turn to see the man again I held F/n, tighter

As Horror, moved in front the man tried to grab Horror, but Horror grabbed him and throw him into a wall with one hand me and F/n stood there with wide eyes "damn now I know not to mess with him" F/n said

I nodded "...your weak and not worth my time," he said walking away as the man throws something at Horror what scared me was it was about to hit me in the face

"...I swear you have a death wish Doc and you have seen what I did to him so why try?" F/n said grabbing the needle that went flying at me it was just a few moments away from stabbing from me

I felt worried that something about F/n isn't right, right now the air felt thicker. Horror seemed to notice the man got up not listening to him and tried to attack F/n as the man came closer to F/n.....



Blood went flying some was on my cheek I couldn't move I was frozen my voice wouldn't work my (e/c) eyes wide

There stood the man in front of us, but he wasn't moving blood was coming out of his chest where....

F/n hand was right in the man's chest he had a blank face like he didn't just stab a man in the chest with his hand Horror was shocked as well

The man started to cough up blood

F/n eyes were red he removed his hand from the man's chest as he fell to the ground not moving as blood started to flow out

I couldn't breathe I was shaking but I didn't cry I was in too much of shock to "Horror let's go" f/n said walking out the door as he left the man there dead, I felt my eyes shut as my fever got worse and the shock of what happened

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