🦈chapter 14🦈

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A photo fell out of the book (F/n) was holding he picked it up and what he saw made his blood run cold

"I killed Him so how?"

: Now:

I couldn't believe what I was seeing I had killed his man before Y/n was even alive or in her mother belly, so it didn't make sense that he was there with her this photo didn't look that old to the others at last 13 or so years old

Then I had an idea: could this be Y/n's dad? I don't know who their dad is their adopted parents didn't know

I still remember how Lilith looked the day she came to us asking us to take care of her child it was horrific to the least it still hurt me to this day to remember the look on her face as she handed her child to us

I shake my head and turn to look over at y/n sleeping peacefully I do have to say a lot like you Lilith always excited to see more I wish I could've shown you more when you were alive, but I guess I can do that for y/n for you to let them see it for themselves and you

I placed the book on the nightstand, but I kept the photo with me I didn't know how y/n would react to see this they might think it's their father and if it is then I have to keep them far away from that monster


I opened my eyes to see the sun coming through the window I jumped up and ran over to (F/n)'s bed and started to shake him awake

"Come on! Get up!" I yelled pulling at his arm "wake up!" He finally opened his eyes "you're finally awake!" I said letting his arm go "I'm hungry!" I say grabbing my bag off my bed

"Okay I get it let's go" he said running a hand through his very messed up hair I ran out of the room and to the door of the inn (F/n) handed money to the man as he came over to me

"Let's go eat kiddo" he said pushing the doors open he had some bags under his eyes but to be honest ever since I met him, he had bags under his eyes maybe after this he can stay with me and papa and dad I like having (F/n) around

"Come on let's go in here grab you something to eat" we walked into a fast-food place and sat down soon my food was placed in front of me

I started to eat after (F/n) spoke up "where do we have to go next?" He asked, "oh Dream told me he would tell me in the morning, but the book keeps moving the X on the map so maybe we should follow that!" I say placing more food into my mouth

I hear him laugh slightly to himself as he pulls out his phone checking something "oh your parents texted me just now" my eyes light up at the thought of my parents "what do they say?" I asked leaving over the table to see

"They texted asking how everything is doing if you want you can take my phone and call them" I nodded my head quickly as he handed me the phone I got up and went to the side of the building outside

The phone ringed for a bit until I heard my dad's voice on the other end "Dad!" I say through the phone "hi dear how are you we miss you so much!" He said I could tell that he was sad, but it made me smile thinking about how much they care "good I saw some weird half skeleton eel I also learned my mother's name and age! I had no idea mer people could live for so long. She is like a 300 something year old dad!"

I heard my dad laugh on the other end "yup mer people can't die from old age like us and I'm happy to hear you find some stuff about her mother" he said "Gave me the phone! "no!" I heard from the other end sounded like papa was trying to take the phone from dad

"Hey Y/n" I heard papa say "papa!" I yell smiling like an idiot "we should let you go now you probably have other stuff to do we love you" I held the phone tighter "I love you to" I whispered back as the call ended, I really do miss them

I was going to walk back into the building when I heard something behind me. I turned to look into a dark alleyway and whispered "hello?"

Little Mer Child(Mermay Sanses X Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now