🦈chapter 18🦈

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(before the story starts you guys should go check out Hiimtrans17 they have child reader story as well and I'm sure they would appreciate if you check them out!)


(F/n) said as I cough again

"After this, I'm taking you to a doctor" I didn't have any energy to say anything "ah Mr.(F/n) it's so good to see you again!" (F/n) turned to some man in a lab coat "oh shit-"


As the man ran over to (F/n) he lifts his foot up and kicks the man right in the face glaring

"How many times have I told you not to touch me?" He said as the man got back upholding his face, but

he was smiling like an idiot as his nose bleed

"Yes, yes anyway what brings me the pleasure of you coming here with a child?" He asked his eye narrowed at me

"They're not here for you I just need to ask you something" the man nodded as (f/n) started to walk pass him to another room he sat me down on a very comfy couch I rubbed my eyes still feeling sleepy

F/n and the weird man sat on chairs near the couch as a table was in between us

I leaned my head against the couch my breathing heavily

"So, I want you to see at this and tell me what it means it's the least you can do for me since you own me."

f/n said handing the book over to the man, The man eyed the book and started to smile really big and started to laugh a bit it freaks me out a bit

"Ah! I know what this means but why would want to know?" He asked as f/n rolled his eyes ''well I for one don't think it's your business but you're helping me, so I need it for the child, it something about her mother and we need to know"

"Hmm fine the book is relating to a long time ago when people knew a lot more about Mer's. How many of them were used as experiments and the woman in this book must have been one" my eye widened my mother was an experiment?

"......I see" was all f/n said as he glanced over at me, he saw I was breathing heavily

"Do you have water here?" He asked the man "oh yes I do!" The man said grabbed something from a small fridge and handed to me

I took small sips of it and placed it down "any way that's all I wanted to ask" f/n said grabbing the book back I was a bit suspicious of how this man knew about the mermay's,

but I can see why f/n wanted the others to stay way

As f/n stood up and went over to the desk with the man but I started to feel dizzy all of a sudden, I held my head in pain

F/n turned around to see this but before he could come over and help me the man handcuffed him to the desk

"Hey what the hell!" F/n yelled I started to hear ringing in my ears as I started to fall sideways my head hit the couch and I fell unconscious

As I heard f/n yelling my name


I heard beeping around me I

turned my head opening my eyes still feeling sick but once I saw where I was my eye widened, I was in some kind of lab room

I tried to sit up but find my legs and arms and my head were tied down to the table I was on

"hmuyf!" I tried to tell but my mouth was covered

"Oh, my you're awake!"

I saw the same man there hovering over me "once I heard you were the child of a mer I just had to test some stuff out for myself and I knew you would never agree to it" he said walking over to his desk and grabbing something

"Mhhhf!" I muffled out

"let's see what will happen when I inject this!" He said coming back over to me with a needle in hand, I started to shake and kick my legs and arms

As tears started to build-up

"Just stay still or I might miss where I need to put this" that made me freak more he held the needle not too far from my skin as I shut my eyes

'Please someone help!'

Little Mer Child(Mermay Sanses X Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now