🦈chapter 11🦈

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Nightmare started to swim ahead Killer grabbed my hand as we swim, I was still slightly scared of being down here with all the other sea creatures plus this is only my second time this deep underwater

We swam over a coral reef with small fish. I could see some reef sharks swimming around. I could see Nightmare pulling Dream closer. Maybe it was because Dream was a type of fish they would eat. I can see why Nightmare would do that "Killer, do you know the people that were going to see?" I asked him

"yeah, I do I have to say they are pretty weird the one is my friend can't say the same for the other one" I didn't understand what he meant by weird, but I guess I'll find out soon and enough I held onto Killer's hand as some other reef sharks swim by I'm not usually this scared of sharks but for some reason being this far down made me more worried normal

we got to this very pretty cave with coral growing all around it, "we're here" nighty said I just came up with a nickname maybe I should give the others one too

Killer swim up to the opening of the cave out no where Killer was pulled in "Killer!" I yelled I went closer but was grabbed by something pulling me into the cave I had no idea what was happening, but I heard Cross and Dream yell my name

I tried to pull off what was holding it felt like tentacles, kind of like Nightmare's. I couldn't get them off no matter how hard I tried "that's weird you're human but your breathing is just fine!" I heard someone say I turned my head to be met with someone else they had a black spot on his cheek and very colorful eyes that's for sure

"Who are you?" I asked, still trying to get out "oh right here you go!" He sat me down. I looked up to see Killer wrapped up in one of his tentacles "Killer!" I say I could see the other one better now he had the lower body of a squid with different color tentacles

"hmm oh him wasn't he trying to eat you?" he asked "No! he isn't!" I yell "hmm I see" the squid set Killer down I swim to him "you okay?!"I asked worried "yeah I'm fine so Ink night's here to see Error" Killer said as Ink sim closer to me

"Ah who's this and what are they?" Killer rolled his eyes. "That's y/n and that's why the boss has come there going to come soon" before I could get a word out Cross, Dream, and Horror all came in hitting a wall "Horror you're on my back!" Cross yelled, "Dream is on me!" I laugh slightly finding it funny

one of Night's tentacles grabbed them " stop that" I swim over to him "oh there you are and Killer" Killer came over "heeeyy boss!" night didn't say anything and glared at Ink

"HI Ink where's Error" Ink glared back at Night and grabbed me "hey!?" I said as Ink hugged me "somewhere around here you got a child with you?" He asked, "I'll tell you everything once Error gets here now do you mind handing them back?" Ink sighed as he let me go,

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