🦈chapter 2🦈

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"Papa can we go now please? I was hanging off of my father's arms my father didn't lift his arm up.

With how short u was being 4'11 "yes yes we can once daddy is done grabbing the stuff okay?" I sighed and leaned against his arm.

"Finnneee," I say pouting "do you have everything Y/n?" I turn to see dad with a bag he had a hat and sunglasses on.

With a yelled and white striped t-shirt and shorts "yup!"I didn't want to wear any swimsuits, so I was wearing one of my normal outfits.

Papa didn't dress as well he had his long black hair in a ponytail as he was wearing all black as the normal edgy self that went really nice with his dark skin making him look so cool "dear why are you dressed in all black?"

"What I like is the color black!" My dad rolled his eyes hitting papa in the back of the head with his sunglasses "let's go now okay" dad said walking to the door that leads out of the dome

I start to run at the head of the "wait Y/n don't run please you might fall!" Dad yelled but I didn't listen to him as I ran up

The stairs to the trap door that would lead me up the surface I open the door and climbed up

Once out and my feet touch the sand-covered ground everything up here felt so nice I come up here by myself sometimes to play when both my parents are working

"Y/n wait," my dad said running up to me out of breath my papa soon followed suit "sorry I got too excited," I say to dad "it's fine just don't run like that you might hurt yourself"

"Here I'll set up the stuff you go play Y/n" I nodded as I take off running on the beach I was climbing up some big rocks and jumping on them when I heard a car diving

I turn to see some really expensive car pull up to the beach you see my parents own this beach and they have way before they adopted me back when they were dating

Were was a beach house I played in a lot sometimes I sleep in there it's nice theirs a TV and a couch that I have Movie nights with my friends with, I could see some man in a suit coming out

The suit he was wearing looked experienced as well he looked to be around his late 20s or early 30s some men came out form the car they looked like bodyguards for the man

I jumped down from the rocks and walk over to dad and papa to see what his man wanted I'm sure they know this is private property and not a public beach

I stand next to my dad brushing some pieces of my (H/C) hair out of my eye and pulling it behind my ear to get a better look at the man he had very light brown hair

And deal brown eyes that went with his hair he was kind of pale but not to the point that he looked like a ghost most like he doesn't suntanned in years, dad was very pale but he gets it from my grandmother

She also was very pale not as pale as paper but pale I know dad likes to suntan but he doesn't go any darker, "what can I help you, sir?" My father asked brushing a hand through his thick black hair his red eyes narrowing at the man

"Well you got quite the beach here very beautiful," the man said out loud but I think he was talking to himself most "yes it is what can I help you with this is private property," father said

"Why yes I know this is private property that's why I have to come to ask you if I can buy this beach and that marine life dome have yours" my (E/C) eyes go wide at this, this man wanted to buy the beach

I pull on my dad's handshaking my head my father turned to us as I shook my head no "no papa please don't sell the beach to him I love it here!" I say

Close to tears my father smiled at me holding my other hand but his smile dropped when the looked back at the man "I'm sorry but this beach isn't for sale now have a nice day" my father said pulling me over to the towels they place down

"Wait a damn minute!" The man yelled I turned my head over to him he looked a little madder now "sir please watch what you say in front of my child"

My dad said holding me to him my back was passed against his chest as he held my shoulders "I will pay 9 million dollars for his beach!" He said "and I already told you not for sale have a good day"

Papa said now sounding mad both dad and papa are scary when mad I never experienced it myself they never have been mad at me sometimes see have small fights like lots of parents and kids do

"I'll have you 10 million instead sir" my" father held my hand tighter "sir leave now your on my and my husband's property and if you don't leave I will call the police" the man humble curses under his

Breath as he walked back to his car and drive away I turned to my papa "father your not going to have way the beach to that man are you?" I asked him "no me and your dad will never sell the beach but for now go back and play until I and dad are done setting things up okay?"

"Okay!" I say and go back to the rocks there was a dock nearby the beach house me and my other two friends go swimming off the dock 'maybe I go to the dock there's lots of seashells there maybe I could make dad and papa a necklace!'

"papa! I'm going to the dock!" I tell them "okay be careful!" Papa yelled back I start to run over to the dock it was literally right beside the beach house well more like attached to the house

Papa and dad own the whole beach and they build this beach house and the dock, there was a boat that dad and papa used to bring back hurt fish and other creatures that were hurt and now are able to go back to the water

That's just part of their job they do so much more than that "I want to become a marine biologist just like them!" I say to myself I have been studying like papa and dad said to do,

As I walk on the dock I seat on my knees as I look into the water I was enjoying the nice weather when I heard something Flash from under the dock "huh?"

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