🦈chapter 4🦈

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I was looking for something for a while now and still nothing on the half-monster? half fish, shark? I don't even know

I was standing up on a chair looking at the higher up books it's a good thing I can read well, my eyes stopped on a book that was a dark brown with gold rims I slowly pull it out

As I try to pull it out it was heavily that even the chair start to shake under me once I had it out the chair started to fall

Back I held the book to my chest and shut my eyes as the chair was close to hitting the ground my butt hit the ground first

pain shot up my butt up against my tail bone "oww! My butt" I say but soon remembered the book I had in hand there was a big green gem in the middle of the book

My (E/C) eyes lit up it was so cool like one of those books from a fairy-tale I tried to open the book.."why isn't it opening?" I question, the book wouldn't open like it was locked

Sighing I decided to keep it might be useful later getting up and brushing the dust off my clothes "maybe I should go and draw a bit gives me something to do"

I start to leave the library and walk to my room now this dome is kind of big but not I start to skip down the hallway

Of the dome humming to myself but then I start to feel nervous as I walk like someone or something was staring at me all of sudden everything turned darker

I look up to see if Wale or some kind of animal was swimming over, I looked up but what I saw was not a Wale "what is that?" I whispered

It looked like a really big fish! I can't see it that good but what I can see was bits of gold and yellow colors "Wales can't be yellow?" 'so what is it?'

By now it had swam by I run back to my room book still in my arms I had to carry it with both arms cause it was kind of heavy for me to carry

Once I made it back to my room I shut the door and seat on my floor with the book in my lap I was just staring at it for a while

Not knowing what to do with it, I try to pull it open but nothing happened it looked like it need a key of some kind to open it

"Hmm maybe papa has the key in his office somewhere," I say placing the book on my bed I wasn't going to try and look for the key tonight

I grabbed some paper and crayons and place them down on the ground as I start to draw the shark skeleton I saved today and the big fish that just swam over the dome

The drawing was a bit messy most were just stick figures with tails I didn't if my drawing of the bug fish was right when I saw it I couldn't see it that well but I can just guess maybe I'll see it again!

After I was done I left it on my floor feeling sleepy now so I got up and walked out of my room and went to where dad was, he was sitting in a chair at the table reading

He looked up when he heard me walk in "oh Y/n what's up huh" he asked me I walked over to him and hugged his arm rubbing my (E/C) eyes

"You really for bed?" I nodded sleepy my dad picked me up and walked back to my room once we got back to my room

He set me down and grab my PJs and handed them to me "go change" I nodded and run to the bathroom and quickly change once I was done I come back in

As dad helped me get into bed he kissed my head and turned the lights off and shut my door

I start to hug my pillow as I start to fall asleep


I was watching the kid who had helped me earlier when I got caught in the net it's not like I was worried I just wanted to know

That they got back home after they cut their hand helping me, okay maybe I'm a bit worried I mean most humans would get scared of the thought of a shark but this little child

Helped one I could tell they were a bit scared knowing that I'm not a full-on shark

I was looking at them as they lay in their bed but someone swim at me making us both go flying through the water "ah! What the-!?" I turned to see Dream

"Dream what's re you doing here I would think you would stay by Nightmare?" Dream let me go he was back to his little form being kind of smaller than me

"I wanted to see what you were up to you don't come up here much so I wanted to know why you were up here?" I place a hand on the back of my neck

"Umm well," I didn't know how I would tell Dream some human child helped me and I just wanted to make sure they were okay "Cross! I can feel something is up please tell me" Dream said

With puppy eyes "fine! I was just checking on a human who had helped me earlier" Dream's face lit with pure happiness and pulled me into a death hug

"Cross! You finally came to like human!?" I try to pull away from him so he doesn't kill me! "No Dream I still hate them that one is just nice is all now let's go back before Nightmare wonders where we went

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