🦈chapter 12🦈

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"I see Error should be coming back very soon he went out to eat," Ink said I was looking around the cave very dark that's for sure

"But might I ask what she is and how she is breathing cause last time I remembered humans can't breathe down here?" Ink said as he swam over to me "what are you?" He asked me

"O-oh! I'm human and I'm pretty sure I'm part mer..." I said Ink had a confused look on his face "how is that possible last time I checked only we can't have children with humans right?" He asked

"Her mother the one who saved your butt from being murdered by Reaper?" Night came over to us "wait, that's her mother. I didn't even know she had a kid but how was she able to have a kid with a human?" ink asked as Killer grabbed my hand to help me swim out of the cave and not get left behind

"That's something I would love to know that's why we need Error" we left the cave now swimming by the coral reef I was playing with the coral fish "Brother you know Reaper might have some stuff on it?" Dream said as Nightmare glared half hearty at him

"No way am I asking him of all people to help us," he said crossing his arms over his chest I wasn't paying attention to them as I swim through the coral reef a bit, I was laying on a rock I saw something like at tail outside of it I leaned over a bit to see and was met with someone's face I screamed as I was not expecting that at all

Killer came rushing over "you good y/n!?" He asked if he looked where I was looking to see the skeleton, I had seen climbing up the rock I sat on "oh that's just Error hi Error!" Killer said as Error glared at us mostly me, I went behind Killer not wanting to be attacked by the eel??

"kiLleR" it hissed as he looked mad as hell and I didn't want to be in his way of anger "Lucky we find you Night wants to talk with you!" Killer said not seeing to be worried about the eel's anger at all like it was normal

"wHaT DoSE He WaNT?" I think Error was his name he swims closer to us I slightly swim back a bit still hiding behind Killer

"Well-" Killer said backing up about as the eel came closer "JUst SaY iT," it said I looked back at the eel's tail it looked so pretty I wanted to touch it, but I'm worried he would attack me if I did so

"Okay, okay! Jeez, chill will ya? Anyway, Night has some questions for yoouuu!" Killer said Error looked annoyed "FiNe JuST ShUt WiLL yA?" He said swimming closer to me but not close enough to where we would be touching, he looked into my (E/C) eyes like he was looking for something

"Umm hi?" I say to him smiling at him he did look very pretty so does the other one who I think was called Ink?

"WhAt Is A Human ChIlD DoInG hErE?" He asked Killer "That's what Nighty wants to talk to you about he wants to know about her mother and I'm sure you can help with that right?" Killer said swimming over to me

And getting in between me and Error "FinE, wHeRe is hE?" Error asked, crossing his arms with a bored look on his face "this way just follow us!" killer grabbed my hand and started to swim I looked over to Error who was following us now that I got a better view of him

He did look cool he had a dark blue tail and reddish and black bones and yelled eyes he looked a lot different than the others I haven't seen an eel as big as him before most I have seen were smaller than me

We made it back to Nightmare and the others Dream came over to me asking if I was okay and that he didn't know where I went

"Sorry but look what we found!" Said as Killer and Error came following over to us Error looked even more annoyed at seeing Nightmare and the others "Ruru! There you are!" Ink said swimming over to him as Error backed up hissing at him "bAcK of yOu sQuId"

Error said as Ink laughed a bit at him and turned back to Nightmare "so now that Error is here what do you need help with?" Ink said, "I need info on Lilith" Nightmare said I saw Error and Ink faces go blank. It worried me that the name of that woman was bad.

"Why?" Ink asked, "that is y/n mother and I need to know something plus the kid wants to know who their mother is" Nightmare said as Error started to swim into the cave I swim in after him the others not noticing to busying talking with Ink about something

As I swim in alone it made me feel scared the cave was very dark and I have no clue if other sea creatures live in here besides Error and Ink plus Error kind of scares me a bit, I mean he doesn't seem like the friendly type

I heard something move through the water I swam farther into the cave having some trouble seeing and trying to be careful not to hit my head on any rocks soon I saw a blue light from up ahead

Once I got closer, I saw it was Error's tail that was glowing he was looking over a book in his hands going through the pages the book didn't look damaged at all even though it was underwater

"aRe YOu goInG tO StAy tHeRe oR cOmE HeRe?" He asked turning to look at me I nodded and swim over as he hands me the book, he had in his hands he grabbed another one

"THaT's thE BoOk yOu wAnT tO ReAd if yOu wAnT tO KnOw mOre aBoUt YoUr MoThEr," he said as I opened the book and the First thing, I saw was a photo of my mother she had long black hair a purple tail and she also had purple eyes and some weird flowers in her hair she was smiling she was with someone who looked look like a orca and a skeleton and was way bigger then her

My eyes were wide when I saw how she looked she looked so happy it made me smile slightly

"wHy ArE yOu sMIlInG?" Error asked holding the other book which I think is for Night


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