🦈chapter 8🦈

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Once me and Cross made it back to land I remembered the men on that ship "umm Mr Cross what happens to those men on the ship I was on?" I asked him as he seat next to me on the beach I was kind of cold now

I had my arms wrapped around me to keep me warm "oh I actually don't know me and Dream weren't paying attention to them" I nodded not wanting to push it "Thank you for saving me!" I said

"Well you saved me once so it's only fair I help you" I smile at him as I gave him a quick hug "I have to go now papa and dad will be worried" I said to him "oh your book" I grabbed the book from him I was a bit shocked to see the book was fine even though it was in water

I waved to him as ran back to the beach house there I saw my parents freaking out calling for me I came thing over to them holding the book to my chest as to not drop it

"Papa, dad!" I yelled to them as they turned to me my dad had tears in his eyes as he ran up to me and hugged me he was on his knees to hug me properly

He was crying i felt so bad for making dad cry my father came runing to us "Y/n where have you been!?" He asked me I could see the worry on his face

"I'm sorry that man from yesterday came and he-" I cut myself not sure if I should tell them about the sea creatures I met "what he came back what did he do to you?!" My dad asked grabbing my face and looking me over his blue eyes went wide when he saw my cheek

"Yeah he came and well he hit me then pushed me into the water!" I lied, it seemed to work. "I swear if I see him again I'll beat him so badly he wishes for death" I laugh at papa "but are you y/n?" Dad asked "yeah I'm fine just a bit shocked" I said feeling sleepy and leaning on to dad "come on let's go inside" dad said licking me up and walking back to the dome


I was in my bed. It's been about a day or so since I met the sea creatures "I never did get to ask what they were.." I whispered all I wanted was to stay in bed

"..." Everything was quiet papa and dad were on the beach doing some work with a fish they been keeping cause it was injured

I couldn't go back to sleep I was thinking about yesterday how I was able to breathe under water just fine like I could right now and that octopus he was way bigger then I was I was able to sit in his hand "this is so weird" I said hugging my pillow to my chest

I turned my head when I heard something taping against the glass of my room, sitting up and turning. I saw one of the sharks from that cave the other day. Was his name Killer? I waved to him "Hi" I said to him, he probably can't hear me through the glass I pointed up I don't think he got it, I got out of bed and ran up stairs and out the door there is saw dad and papa writing stuff down on some paper

Dad turned around and saw me "y/n what are you doing up here I thought you were sleeping" dad asked "I don't feel tired anymore so I was going to go play by the beach house" I said to him

"Alright but if anything happens please come back right away" I nodded and walked over to the beach house there I saw Killer laying half in the water his upper body out of the water the sun hitting his upper half

"Hi?" I say waving Killer turned to me smiling as I seat on my knees beside him "how's it going kid" he asked "umm good why are you here?" I asked him Killer's face dropped slightly "well I have to tell you something" he sounded serious so I made sure to listen carefully to what he was going to say

"Well Nightmare says he's pretty sure what you are but..." Killer pause for a second but continued "he says staying here isn't safe for you and if you want to know more about what you are or who you are Night wants to take you from here I would talk to Nightmare if I was you but I'm telling you now" my eyes widened at this Nightmare the octopus wanted to take me somewhere away from dad and papa

"But I can't papa and dad I can't leave them what would they think?" I asked him "I know but Nightmare said he would come talk to you at night about it he knows more than I do" as Killer says that he swims back to the water leaving me alone with my thoughts

"Y/n come along now me and your dad are done and it's getting late" I turned to my father I had no clue he was there "how long were you there papa I didn't even notice?" I asked him "umm not long let's go back now" papa put me on to his back as we walked back to the dome


"Night we can't just take a kid we don't know much about with us" Dust said "I know Dust but if that's her child we can't just wait around until something happens people will come to look for them you seen someone already tried to catch Cross" the octopus said to the shark on the inside of his hand

"Night were not even sure that's her kid plus the kid seems to have no idea of any of this" Dust said it's not like he doesn't want the kid around its more of we just can't take a kid from their home like this "Dust I know it's hers and the kid will have to know some day and like I said before it's not safe for them more people will come I know of it plus some unwanted guests are coming I can feel it so it's best to act now".

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