🦈chapter 10🦈

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I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep on the ground of the boat; the boat wasn't small but not super big maybe big enough for five people

Something soft was wrapped around me what woke me was when the boat started to shake a bit making me sit up and look around the place "hey you're finally awake" I looked to the side of me to see (F/n) looking at me that's when I noticed I was wearing his jacket "I fall asleep?" I asked (F/n) nodded

(F/n) ran a hand through his black hair as he pulled out smoke but put it back once he remembered I was here he was shorter them my father they both had black hair but (F/n) had pale skin not as pale as my dad and grey eyes with glasses me remind me of a scientist he had a sleeveless turtleneck and black jeans he dressed like my father edgy

I saw we were put pretty far from land which kind of made my stomach turn thinking about my parents "hey kid here" I turned to him and caught what he threw at me looking it over and seeing it was a candy bar "thanks" I said taking a bite out of it

Looked into the water to something gold swim by I jumped up looking at it as I was sure it was Dream swimming by Nightmare did say they would come along through the water

"Y/n!" I turned beside me to see Dream with his upper body on the boat and the lower part in the water "Dream!" I said smiling "Oh jeez!?" I turned to (F/n) see looking at Dream slightly freaked out "I knew that you guys were part fish but damn you scared me" I laughed at him finding it funny

"So, Dream, where is everyone else?" I asked, "Oh not far behind me I just wanted to talk with you about where we're going" I nodded as I listen to Dream "Nightmare wants to head to a part of the ocean where some of our other friends live, they might be able to you" I smile thinking about meeting others like them it all sounds so cool

"And where is that?" (F/n) asked, "well the book that y/n has should have the map!" I grabbed the book that was in my bag and used my necklace around my neck to open it, it opened to a page of itself showing me a map Dream come over and point where we needed to go "that's where you gonna want to go" I nodded and handed the book to (F/n) for him to see where to go

"Alright I got it," he says, laying the book down to look at the map I went back to Dream. "I'm gonna go and talk with Nightmare, we will meet you at the next stop!" I wave to Dream as he starts to swim off to the others I sat down in front of (F/n) watching as he moved the boast around with a steering wheel

There was underneath of this boat we put most of the stuff under there to keep from falling off the boat "umm Mr. (F/n) how do you know my parents and what are you helping?" I asked him he seemed shocked but sighed as he sat close to me

"Well back in high school I had a big crush on your dad we were good friends back in the day we still hang out to this day I don't like your dad like that anymore but I kind of this owe him this favor to help you" my eyes widened he knew papa and dad back in high school?

"Wait, you liked my dad!?" I said he nodded "damn everyone likes my dad" (F/n) stood up as he looked out into the water I got up and stood beside him trying to see what he was seeing but saw nothing "what are you looking at?" I asked "I think we're here the map says so anyway" I looked down at the map in his hands

"Yeah, we are!" I yelled we couldn't see anything the place we needed was underwater "yeah so how do we get down there?" He asked before I could say I felt myself being hugged by someone it was Killer "well I can go under with them" I say to (F/n)

"Is that safe?" I nodded "it's pretty deep, how long can you hold your breath?" I laugh at him slightly making him look confused at me "I don't need to hold my breath" I say as he soon got it "right you're not fully human I forgot" I nodded and smiled

"How do you know about the mermay's anyway?" I asked him "remember good friends with your parents I was there when your mother asked them to take care of you" I felt my heart hurt again it hurts Every time someone talks about my mother, I don't know why I mean yeah, she my mom but I didn't know her

"I see" is all I say "Well come on the others are waiting!" killer said as (F/n) helped me off the boat into the water I held Killer I might be able to breathe underwater but I'm not that fast with my legs so I wouldn't be able to keep up with any of them "I'll be back don't go anywhere okay," I say to him as nods "just be careful I don't want your father to kill me he tried to once" I nodded as me and Killer went under

I saw the others there, the place we were in was so beautiful it was one of the most gorgeous coral reefs I have ever seen. "pretty isn't!" I looked up to Killer "yeah it is" I say as we made it to the others who were by a cave with coral all around it "oh good your right" I smile to Nightmare as I let Killer go

"Why do we need to come here?" I asked, "well I have a friend here who will be able to help us and maybe some other things". My eyes lit up at the thought of seeing other mermay's like them.

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