🦈chapter 13🦈

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"umm Error was it? Who is this man with my mother?" I asked it sounded really weird saying mother since I've only ever called my parents papa its dad

"Umm? Oh, ThAt's ReApEr hE aNd LiLitH WeRe ReALly ClOsE" he said I looked down back at the photo it made me wonder who took the photo because I know there aren't any cameras under water so who?

"Who took the photo?" I asked not looking up to ask still looking over the man in the photo with my mother "YoUr FaThEr" he said I nodded closing the book and looking up at Error

"Will this book have anything on my father?" I asked "I dOnT He wAsn'T a MeR" I sighed knowing it's unlikely he would have any info in here of him

"nIgHtmAre iS wAiTiNg" he said swimming out I quickly hold the book as I swim over to him not wanting to get lost it was easier to see where he was with the light of his tail I wonder how (F/n) is doing I've been gone for a while

Once we were out, I went straight to Dream who was sitting on Nightmare's shoulder humming "Dream!" I say as I sat in front of him "what's up Y/n?" He asked with a sweet smile "look I find a book with my mother and some mer I don't know" I said pushing the book into his lap to see he opened it and looked over the page he had a sad smile looking at it

"Yeah, that's Reaper he didn't live near here at all he's all the way over in the Arctic" I mean that were lots of orcas live have didn't I remember that

"hErR's yOuR dUmB bOok" Error said throwing the book at Nightmare "Error that's rude!" Ink yelled Error only hissed and swim back into the cave "what am I going to do with him?" Ink said sighing "he's your problem not yours" Dust said as he swims over and grabbed the book Dream had and opened it and throw it back to me, I look down at it to see he opened it to a page with stuff about my mother

Stuff like how old she was, my eyes wide when I saw how old she was. She was 300 years old so that means she was 200 and something when she had me!? I didn't know mer people could live that long jeez

My mama is old, and, in that photo, she looks like she was in her early 20s!? She was about 5'6 in height when I went to read the rest, I saw it was ripped out? Damn I wanted to know more than just that good thing there is more pages

"We should get going thank you for your help tell Error I said thank you I think he's a bit upset to say the most" Nightmare as Dream pulled me closer to sit with him on Night's shoulder "yeah he's probably just mad cause his prey got away again better go cheer him up before he ruins our cave... for the fifth time this week..." Ink said swimming into the cave

"Hey where are we going next Dream?" I asked "Well we might have to stop soon cause it's getting late so I say you guys stop at land and then we will talk about it in the morning" I nodded starting to feel tired from everything

Dream and me get off of Nightmare so Dream can help me get back to the boat the moment I come out of the water is when I felt everything from today coming down on me Dream and (F/n) helped me back on I sat down and laid my head against the ship

"You guys should stop at land for the night, not the safest to sleep out here night y/n!" I waved goodbye to Dream as he swims probably to Nightmare

"So, what's with the book you got?" (F/n) asked me "o-oh one of them gave it to me most of the pages were ripped out but I learned a few things about my mother!" I said as I handed him the book "I see well I still have another book with the map but something weird happened when you were gone the X on the map moved to a new area of the map"

I looked at the book not understanding what he meant by that what he was right the X moved from where it was before "weird" I say placing the book in my bag beside me I left you here


We moved to a town by the ocean. It looked very pretty. I could see a park and some roads and houses (F/n) grabbed our stuff and walked up to what I think is an Inn? Or a hotel we walked in it was small, but I didn't really mind much

"Hey one room two beds please" (F/n) asked as the man handed him a key we went upstairs to our room once inside I placed my bag down and laid down and I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep


"They passed out quickly oh well" (F/n) said grabbing the blanket and pulling it over y/n and shut the lights off as he sat on his bed with the book in hand trying to find out more about y/n's mother he wanted to help the kid as much as possible

But as y/n said most of the pages were ripped out so he read the ones that were still there his eyes widened what he read and saw

He started to read out loud what he saw

"Her soul was too DEEP to be explored by those who always swan in the SHALLOW END."

it looked like it was ridden with some kind blood it looked old back he could that was blood red ink wouldn't look like this

"What does that mean?" (F/n) asked himself "her soul was too deep?" A photo fell out of the book he picked it up to see "Lilith what did you do?" He said the photo was of y/n's mother she was with a man with long white hair and blue eyes and had some kind of weird outfit

But (F/n) knew who the man was but what confused him was how this man was in the photo he held the photo tighter

"I killed him so, how is he?"

Little Mer Child(Mermay Sanses X Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now