🦈chapter 20🦈

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(we have finally made it to chapter 20 and are getting close to the end of this book just a few more chapters. I can't thank everyone enough. When I first made this, I really didn't think it was going to get this popular to be honest!)

"Well, I didn't expect to kill him" I heard someone say I sat up to see F/n and Nightmare talking "what happened?" I asked, "you don't remember?" F/n asked, and I shocked my head "you know it's best they don't remember but we're close to our next place by any chance do you have a coat?" Nightmare asked

"Umm yeah, why?" I then realized f/n was in a coat and a scarf "here" he said giving me my (f/c) coat I then felt how cold it was and quickly put the coat on

"W-where are we?" I asked I could see my breath "well you remember the photo with your mother and that other Mer well were here to see him" Nightmare said leaning into the boat close by me

I could see ice everywhere. How long had I slept? "If you're wondering how long you slept you have been asleep for almost a week Dream has been taking care of your fever"

My memory felt blurry I can't remember but maybe it's a good thing like night said "I weren't swim in this water y/n its cold Dream had been having trouble here, so he is more of the hotter water but close by I think" I nodded standing up and walking over to F/n we stopped at this bug ice block

F/n jumped onto it I quickly ran after him waving to Nightmare "we will be back!" I yelled

"F/n!" I yelled holding onto his back as he stops "what are we even looking for?" I asked, "were looking for that Mer we talked about and once I find him, I swear to never mind," he said taking out a smoke and starting to smoke it as we walked

Little Mer Child(Mermay Sanses X Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now