🦈chapter 17🦈

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I felt water around me I was laying down I know that I opened my eyes to see white like a void I looked down

to see water I slowly sat up and looked around the white void all I could see

was white and water then I saw something purple laying in the water

And some red in the water by it I

stood up and the water being just above my ankles I walked over to the thing

that was there once I made it over my eyes widened

There was a beautiful young woman with a dark purple tail her dark black hair was in her face a bit it was down to her waist, she looked really pale Like she was dying... I looked at her lips to see red blood flowing out of her mouth she had tears in her closed eyes she wasn't wearing a top but that didn't bother me

What did was the wound on her chest that was flowing out blood it looked like she had been stabbed I sat on my knees by her

"Oh. Are you okay?!" I asked her she turned her head to me as she opened her purple eyes once she saw Me more tears fell from her eyes some of the flowers in her hair fell into the water

"Y/n.." my heart stopped when she said my name. I then remembered the woman in that photo. I

felt tears fall from my eyes this time "m-mom?" I asked

As she smiled at me, she looked

weak I pulled her head to my chest and looked down to her, she lifts a hand to my

cheek her hands had blood on them

"Y/n listen to me don't

listen to a-anything that m-man has to say." she said as she grows paler by the minute

"Your dying!" I yelled

she laughed a little "sweetheart I'm already dead I just had to come and tell you not to trust a word that man says" she said as she coughed up


"What do you mean that man who?" I asked her as I held her head closer as she leans her head on my

chest still with a smile on her face

"Your father only wants to...."

Before she could finish, she started to fade away. I held on to her "wait

mom who?!" I said but she was already gone I hit my hands against the

water covers floor

As tears kept falling into

the water, there was still her blood on my hand and cheek "no, no, don't

go please!" I yelled

Even though I barely knew her I

didn't want her to leave I wanted to hug her again I felt safe in her arms I

want her to come back "please!" I stopped hitting the ground as I

leaned my head in between my hands on the water

As my cries got louder "who

killed you?" I whispered, "I promise once I find out who killed you,

I'll make them regret it...for taking my mother away" and with that

everything went black before me.

"Y/n!" Someone was

shaking lightly and calling out my name "y/n please wake up!" My eyes

shot open as I sat up coughing, I felt someone pat me on the back

"You okay?" I turned to

see (F/n) he was holding me in his arms. I felt tears in my eyes. Had I been

crying? "Y-yeah," I say (F/n) stood up carrying me in his arms his

jacket was wrapped around me

"Maybe we should see a

doctor?" He asked me and I shake my head "I'm fine I promise uncle

(F/n)!" His eyes widened when he heard that but smiled soon after

"Were at a place that might

help us, but the others couldn't come with us it was way too dangerous for Mer's

I didn't even want to bring you but here we are" I looked up to see what I

think was a laboratory

"W-why...?" I was about

to ask "well there was something in that book Error give us and I'm sure

this place can help us" I nodded as I hold onto the jacket around me, I

still felt super tired

But after that dream, I didn't

know how to feel seeing my mother there die in front of me hurt "you know

you have bags under your eyes their kiddo" I didn't say thing everything around me was hazy "Kid your burning up"

(F/n) said as I cough again "after this I'm taking you to a doctor" I didn't have any energy to say anything "ah Mr.(F/n) it's so good to see you again!" (F/n) turned to some man in a lab coat "oh shit-"

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