🦈chapter 7 🦈

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I felt something warm on my cheek it felt nice "are they okay?" I heard someone ask "they're gonna be okay" another said I opened my eyes and saw I was underwater "oh you're awake how are you feeling?" I looked up to see a skeleton a very pretty skeleton with yellow eyes I looked down to see they had a sparkly fish like tail kind of remind me of the big fish that swimmed over the dome

"Who are you?" I asked him "oh right I'm Dream! And over there is Cross, what is yours?" Dream asked me Cross was next to him looking down at me I was laying across Dreams lap Dream had one of his hands on my cheek where I was hit

"I'm Y/n" I say saying up in his lap taking a look around, I then realised I was Breathing just fine down here I knew I could hold my breath for long periods of time but this long I would have been dead

"How can I breathe down here?!" I asked freaking out "oh umm actually we don't know we were hoping you would" Dream said "maybe Night might know you know with him being a god?" Cross said "I am one too!" dream yelled puffing out his cheeks at Cross

"Well you don't know so" Cross said as Dream turned back to me smiling "oh I almost forgot this necklace how did you get it?" Dream asked holding up my necklace "oh I don't really know to be honest I've had it ever since I was very small" I said to Dream "and this book?" Cross asked placing the book from my father's library on my lap

"Oh this is one of my father's books I found" Dream and Cross looked at each other "well your not normal that's for sure your breathing just fine which Is weird cause your human" Cross said swimming around you and Dream

"Let's go to Nightmare now he must know" Dream said pulling to his chest hugging me I hugged him back "oh my god your so cute!" Dream yelled

"Dream please your gonna kill them with your hugs before we even get to nightmare" Cross said pulling Dream back a bit "but their so cute it's not ever day you got to hug a human" Dream says stills hugging me I can't lie and u say I hate it i really don't mind hugs at all plus he's very pretty so I'm okay with this

"We also could go to Reaper he might kno-" Dream tried to say before Cross cut him off "nope no in hell am I going to ask that as- I mean jerk for help" Cross said it sounded like he was going to say something else but change his words before he said it

"Why Reaper is nice.....sometimes....a little?" Dream swimmed over to Cross stilling holding me Cross rolled his eyes? I didn't know "well let's go" Cross said as Dream held me as they swimmed I wouldn't be able to keep up with them at all if I wasn't being held by Dream

They start it to swim into darker waters which I start it to scary me I know some of the sea creatures that live down here I held onto Dream tighter "nothing to worry about with us here with you I promise" Dream said to me noticing my worry

They stopped at a deep sea cave. It looked super dark inside "Hey Nightmare!" Cross yelled into the cave "Cross let's not tell please the child might not like it" Dream told Cross

Before Cross could say anything to him I turned to the cave and saw something glowing teal from inside it was slowly coming out of the cave I felt my heart beat against my chest I didn't know if any sea creatures like that

Soon a huge octopus came out and I buried my face into Dream's chest, slightly scared "What are you holding Dream?" The octopus asked Dream "well brother it's a human well I think it is but we're pretty sure their not normal we want you to see it for yourself" Dream said as I lift my head from his chest a bit looking at the octopus

He was looking at me I didn't see anything in his eye saying he would hurt me so I turned my head fully from Dreams chest the octopus said tilt p his head looking at me "let's go into the cave much safer then out in the open" said the octopus we all went into the cave I saw that the cave was being lighten up by blue crystals all around

We swimmed deeper into the cave but stopped when we got to this open space I saw three other sharks talking or should I say yelling at one another i covered my ears hating how loud they were underwater

"Stop the three of you" the octopus said as turned back to me Dream handed me over to him I didn't want to let Dream go but I did I was now sitting in Nightmare's hand I he had me close to his chest as he looked at my necklace Cross still had my book

"This necklace and that book where did you find it?" The big octopus asked Dream "I don't know all I know is that necklace is theirs and that book belongs to their father" Dream said swimming to me and hugging as he sat in the octopus's hand

"Nightmares, aren't they the cutest thing you've ever seen?!" Dream asked, '' The octopus named Nightmare looked at me more until what I think was his eye widening "hey who's that?" I turned around to see the other three sharks looking at me

"H-hi I'm Y/n" I said waving to them the one with a red tail with black tears down his face came very close to my face "how are you Breathing down here?" He asked me "I don't know If I'm being honest" I said as the red shark pulls me from Dream hugging me "Dream is right your cute"

Nightmare grabbed the red shark pulling him off "Killer your going to kill them" he said "y/n who are your parents?" Nightmare asked me "oh umm I'm adopted but I have two dads who live in the dome over there" I say

"I see, Dream you guys should bring the kid back home it's not the safest here and their family must be worried" Nightmare said "aww I want them to stay Nighty!" The one called Killer said

"Not today maybe another time Dream I need to talk to you after" Dream nodded "Cross can help them get back please?" Dream asked Cross nodded grabbing me gently as we start to head back to the beach


Nightmare and Dream sat outside of the cave Dream was siting in his brother's hand watching Cross tale the little human back home

"Dream that kid isn't fully human" Dream turned to his brother "what do you mean by that?" He asked his brother

"I could feel the magic from them plus that Necklace and book wouldn't just end up with a human child" Dream looked down thinking "plus they can breathe just fine down here I'm pretty sure they are part mer but I'm not sure at the moment"

"Brother do you think that's her child?" Dream asked "maybe I mean SHE is the only other one of us who can have children" "Night I'd that's her child then we have to look out for them if they have her magic it would be very sad if the kid were to hurt someone it themselves" Dream said as he swim up to Nightmare's shoulder

"Don't worry this isn't the last time we will see them I just hope nothing bad comes to them they are still really young plus I made a promise to her I would protect any of her offspring" Dream nodded to his brother "I know you miss her to we all do"

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