🦈chapter 16🦈

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(I'm going to be posting as much chapters as possible so I can finish off this story to start another one I wanna do and finish off my other books so expect lots of updates this weekend)

We stopped the boat in the water as I played with Dream in the water, I was swimming around in a t-shirt and shorts I was swimming around with him as Nightmare watched from a rock little bit away from here

(F/n) was looking through the book Error give me I wasn't paying attention much I had the flower pin in my hair still Dream notice it earlier and asked about it I was still a bit freak out about whatever gave me the pin


I was looking over y/n's book y/n gave me their necklace, so they didn't lose it in the water the necklace was a beautiful green like the gem on the other book with the map

I was re reading the weird thing from last night Her soul was too DEEP to be explored by those who always swan in the SHALLOW END

I kept reading it over and over and still not getting it at all. What did it mean?

Ugh I'm so done with all of this why did they have me go with their kid and do all of this!

"If you're wondering what it means try thinking about the people who seek out mermaid/merman like the crazies who go around saying they are real" I jumped when I heard someone behind me

"Oh sh- crap!" I saw Nightmare. I didn't even hear him come over "what do you mean by that?" I asked him as he leans against the boat, I took a quick look back at y/n to make sure they are alright and turned back to him

"People who have gotten their hands on a mer always ended up with the mer dying in the end us Mer's don't go near the shallow end cause of the humans just take that into consideration" he said going back into the water as he went over to Dream and y/n and letting y/n play with his tentacles

"Hmm maybe there is someone who might know what it means after Nightmare give me that hint, I have an idea what it means yet I hope it isn't what I think cause that will be very bad for y/n to find out what had happened to her mother "oh jeez"

I say as I watch y/n play

(Short chapter today)

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