🦈chapter 5🦈

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I was having a hard time sleeping I was tossing and turning all over the place it wasn't because I wasn't comfortable

I just kept having this weird dream but I ended up forgetting by the time I woke up, I sat up in my bed my (H/C) hair all over the place was I hugged my pillow to my chest

As I stared out into space trying to recall the dream I just had but couldn't remember a thing for some reason, my head felt fuzzy

My head moved to my door when it opened "morning Y/n" my dad said walking over to me "morning dad" I say still half asleep

"You slept okay?" He asked "yeah," I said, dad helped me out of bed and we walked to the kitchen to see papa drinking his coffee "oh morning you two"

I gave a wave to papa as I sat next to him at the table "what do you want for breakfast Y/n?" Dad asked from the kitchen

"Umm (F/F) please!" I say to him "okay it be one-second" dad said as he start to make it "y/n today me and your dad have to go to the boss's office so you will be home alone"

My (E/C) eyes widened 'dad and papa are leaving me alone!?' "you're leaving me alone?" I asked

"I mean your 12 now and we're only going to be gone for maybe a half an hour max," papa said as dad came out placing my breakfast in front of me as he sat down

"Did you tell them that we will be gone for a bit?" Dad asked "yeah I did but we should get ready soon or the boss will have my as- I mean head" papa caught himself before he could finish what he was going to say

"Do watch what you say when around my child" dad said glaring at papa "you mean our child?" Papa said leaning across the table from dad

"Soon to be my child if you keep this up" that made papa shut up and lean back to his chair "well me and your father must be going now please don't get into any trouble when we're gone, okay dear?"

Dad asked, patting me on the top of my head "I promise!" Dad smiled as he and father got up and start to walk to the stairs that led out of the dome

"And please be careful if you're going to play on the beach," papa Said turning to me as dad opened the door for dad

"I will I can swim you know it's not like I'm going to drown" papa gave me a worried look as I said that, that's been one of my father's fears is me drowning

Mostly cause one time I got stuck in undertow and papa had to save me but that's was only one time cause I wasn't being careful

"Okay just don't go in the water by yourself" I nodded to papa as he gave me one last look before leaving behind daddy

I start to eat the breakfast dad made before it goes cold daddy and papa don't want me to cook when they are not here

Twice I tried but almost burned the house down from the on papa and dad won't let me

After I eat my breakfast I placed my plate in the sink I stand in the hallway with my hand on my hips looking out into the ocean outside of the dome

"What to do," I say to myself I was wondering what I should do I can't go swimming

Maybe I can draw some more but I don't have anything to draw at the moment, that's when u remembered about the book I found yesterday

"Ah, I can go look for that key!" I say and start to run back to my room to grab the book that I put under my bed before I went to bed

I run inside the room and kneed down to grab the book once I had it I pulled it out and ran back to the kitchen table

I climbed up on the chair and placed the book down on the table I tried to open it again what surprised me next was weird is an (F/F) colour light coming from the necklace around my neck that I had had for as long as I can remember the green gen on the book started to light up too then it opened by itself

And opened the first page of the book as pictures started to appear on the page before me my (E/C) eyes went wide as the page turned into a map of the same beach I lived on

There was a big X on the map. It looked to be close to the beach house "never knew papa had a book like this!" I say bring the book closer to me

As I take a look over it "I know where the X place is on here" I grabbed the book and start to run up the stairs

Once I had climbed out onto the beach and started it to walk over by the beach house as I held the book open with the map

"Hmm if I'm right it should be somewhere here?" I was standing on the dock the map was telling me it was someone deeper into the water

"Well I can swim but I can't swim over there and it has to be under the water and I can't hold my breath that long," I say lout out

"What to do" I was thinking of a way to get over there "I mean papa's boat is here but I've never even used a boat by myself" so that was out of the question

As I kept thinking of ways to get over there I heard a car pull up I turned around thinking it was my parents but when I turned I saw the same car that came the other day asking my father to buy this beach

"What are they doing here?" I whispered under my breath as the man got out of the car.

Little Mer Child(Mermay Sanses X Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now