🦈chapter 21🦈

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We walked for a bit. I stopped when I heard a whine. I let go of F/n's hand and turned around there was only ice and snow but what did catch my eye was the smell of blood?

I started to walk towards where I was smelling it

My eyes widened at the site it was what I think to be a Mer but with a tail of a seal I went closer to it only to have it hiss at me

"H-hey I promise I won't hurt you I just want to help?" I said quietly it didn't seem to care what I had to say

I placed my hand on its tail where the wound was, I looked down to see my necklace glowing green again

I saw my hand was glowing as well it reminded me of when I first opened the book

The wound slowly started to close up I was shocked I could do that the seal seemed surprised as well

No longer trying to bite me but was focused on what my hand was doing "y/n where did you-?!" F/n stopped and saw what I was doing

"Okay didn't know you could do that," he said coming closer but not too close as the seal didn't mean to like him at all

After the wound healed the glowing stopped "is that better?" I asked and looked at me nodding. It looked really cute!

It had this weird thing over its eye "I'm Y/n nice to meet you" I said to him "Geno" I smiled more this Mer really was a cutie

F/n tried to come closer to me, but Geno wrapped his tail around me and hissed at him "okay, okay calm down"

He said putting his hands up I laughed at the steel as it laid it head in my lap "I guess you're his kid now" f/n said staring at the seal as the seal glanced back at him

I jumped on to Geno hugging him, he seemed surprised but didn't seem to care much ".... y/n stay here Geno kept an eye on them I'll be right back" f/n said walking away "weird anyway tell me about yourself!" I spoke


I was watching y/n play with the seal I remember Geno he has grown up that's for sure little fucker hissed at me

It was all good until I heard a yell and ice-breaking ".... y/n stay here Geno kept an eye on them I'll be right back" I said walking over to where Nightmare was before

I still had my smoke in my mouth. I made it back to the boat, but Nightmare wasn't there nowhere could that overgrown octopus be?

"Ah!" I turned and dropped my smoke. I ran to the sound of Dream and Horror. Was only the ice unconscious Cross and Nightmare being underwater with someone else?

I went over to Dream and Horror "what happened?" I asked "I-Its Nightmare, Reaper came, and they started to f-fight jeez it's too gold for me here" I placed my jacket on Dream knowing how good fish is not made for this weather

Horror seemed fine for the time being but if Nightmare and he are fighting then this whole place could start to break, and we would all be fucked

"F/n?" My heart stopped shit y/n had to come now? "Y/n go back," I said having my back turned to them shit it's happening again I held my chest as my eyes changed color again if they stayed here, I would end up attacking them

"Hmm? What's wrong f/n?" They asked, I could tell Geno was with them he probably knew about the fight and wanted to come to see

"Just go" I could tell they felt hurt y/n grabbed the back of my Jacket at that moment I lost any control I had I don't remember what happened all I could be blood

The next I knew I was being held down by Horror and Killer I looked up my heart stop tears were in my eyes

Y/n was in Geno's and Reaper's...arms they were heavily bleeding from their chest to the bottom of their stomach

I had done that. No, no! Why do I always hurt others!?

"y/n!" Nightmare said y/n was getting paler by the minute they were dying because of me...

No please don't die I didn't want to hurt you why didn't you leave when I asked you to?

Just please don't die like your mother, please...!

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