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I sat down at a bench in the park. This was a new city, a new place... a new start. A few days ago I had been discharged and since I'm still involved in a murder investigation, I just simply couldn't leave the country so they offered me a place. Better than expected. So now I was just sitting in a bench, thinking. Maybe this was a new opportunity that life has given to me, a new chance to start over, start fresh and try to build a new life. But I couldn't ... I couldn't stop thinking about Luke and my family. How am I supposed to get over them and the fact that I was now by myself in a world that I didn't knew? Luke was all I wanted and I never really had a chance to fix all the mistakes I made and actually be a healthy couple. All my past, all my mistakes and all the pain I carried with me was what it made our relationship so toxic despite of all the love and effort we put on it. Maybe it was meant to end, maybe we weren't meant to be and who knows, maybe he's happier now. But deep, deep in my heart I was hoping to still be there, having a piece of his mind, being his last thought at night and the first in the morning. 

 I got up and walked to my apartment. If I was supposed to move on, the best way was by finishing high school and the arrangements were made. Peter was now like a father to me and Alena a mother. They both cared about me and beyond everything that happened, I was simply grateful. 

 I lazily sat down in the couch, in front of the large window that showed the entire city. The sun was hiding between some dark clouds and a few drops fell from the sky. I had a thing for rainy days and it was obvious that tonight was going to be the most amazing night. Sleeping under the sound of the rain crashing against your window was the best melody. Somebody knocked on the door.

'Hey' Alena said, walking in. I smiled when I saw her putting some bags in the kitchen table. 'I brought you some groceries so I'm really hoping that you know how to cook' She said smiling. Back when I used to live in california, I never really got the chance to cook for the family but every once in a while I prepared something for me. And by the way, watching kath and alex cooking was really useful. 

 'I can cook, there's nothing to worry about' I said calmly, while helping her. The empty fridge and cupboard were now filled with all types of food and cans. 

 'I wish I could stay but I have to go' She said, looking at the clock placed in the wall. I smiled at her as she left. Now I was alone again, which was pretty comfortable. 

 I grew up in a huge family, so having a quiet place was never an option. Most of the times there was people yelling or blasting music out loud so my only escape was actually go out. I was never in home and when I was... I was in my own world. Even though the last months - before my disappearance, of course, I managed to get closer to Lisa, it never really worked. I tried so hard to fit in that family, to feel loved and now that I'm alone, I just feel like it's better this way. Maybe I was born to be alone and that's why I'm so comfortable having time for myself and allowing my mind a little break.

But as much as my superficial thoughts were based on the simply fact that I was better off without them, the truth was far beyond that. I missed them, and it was tearing me apart to be away from them. I wish I could have fixed things before, or maybe explained my feelings, so I could be sitting here without carrying all this regret and bitter feelings. The darkness filled the room and I slowly walked to my room, making sure to leave one light on. I was terrified of being alone, but I had to learn, and the best way to do that was by facing my fears. So I snuggled in my comfortable bed and closed my eyes, hoping to wake up next to Luke.


I slowly opened my eyes. It was cold and rainy outside so I put on some comfy clothes aka flannel pants, a sweater and my uggs. I lazily walked to the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. It was 8am and I had nothing to do. The bell rang and I put my hair in a ponytail before opening the door.

 'Thank God you're dressed up' Peter said as he stepped inside, followed by a tall brown hair boy. I stood there confused, holding my mug with coffee. 'This is Dante' He said introducing the boy. I smiled at him and closed the door behind, carefully to not spill my coffee. 

 'Want something?' I awkwardly asked them but they shook their heads. Good. 'So...' I asked while sitting in front of them.

 'He's gonna be your teacher. He'll help you pass your grades and graduate. We managed to get your grades and if you keep like that, in a couple of weeks you could graduate by giving some free exams and get accepted in some university, who knows.' Peter explained and I nodded, taking a sip from my hot coffee. That wasn't such a bad idea, to be honest. 'So I'm gonna let you guys start with your studying now-'

'Wait now?!' I exclaimed. 'I'm so not mentally prepared for this' I complained and peter smiled.

 'Nobody is, honey' He teased and walked out the room. Now it was me and this hot tall boy. His deep green eyes pierced mine and I felt uncomfortable.

'So...?' I asked awkwardly and he giggled, grabbing some things from his bag. A laptop, a pad and a pencil. 'I'm Spencer' I blurted out and he looked away from his bag, facing me. I slapped myself mentally for being such an idiot.

'I know' He replied in a italian accent. I sighed, this was going to be a long and awkward day.

**Okay short chapter I'm sorry. I know it's been a while and I apologize for that too. I dont know, I feel so bad for not updating haha but the good thing is that I'm gonna try to post tomorrow and the day after tomorrow so we'll have like 3 new chapters yay

Don't hate me pls lol 

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I love you!!

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