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I looked at the clock, it was around 2pm. My hands were sweating and my heart was beating so hard it felt like it was going to jump off my chest. I sighed, looking out the window. I was impatiently waiting for Lisa or anyone to call me, I was waiting just like she told me but I was mostly concerned about her not coming. What if she changed her mind? What if she's not coming? I mean, that would be extremely understandable seeing that I had decided to pretend to be dead for a few months. Whatever, she was supposed to be here two hours ago according to all of my plans. But she wasn't here.

"Spencer" Peter snapped me out of my thoughts. "You called me and Alena for an urgent meeting but you haven't said anything since we arrived. In fact, you've been looking out the window for like 15 minutes straight"

I frowned. ''That much?'' I asked them and they both nodded, worried. ''I'm waiting for her to come'' I simply said and I saw them frowning.

''Her? Who's coming?'' Alena asked confused. I took a small glimpse out my window and then walked to the couch and sat in front of them.

''Lisa. I called her last night'' I said and they shared a look.

''You called her? Why am I just being informed now?'' Peter asked, getting up. Alena gently grabbed his arm and pushed him to the couch once again.

''I didn't really knew what to do. I just felt the need to call my family. I miss them, I miss the noise of having too many family members. I miss my bed and my pillow. I miss my sisters. I miss Luke'' I whispered as a tear fell down my eye. ''I didn't knew how to tell you this because you guys have been so amazing to me and I don't want to sound selfish or like I don't appreciate all you've done to me-''

''We would never think that way'' Alena interrupted me, getting up and sitting right next to me. Peter just looked at us, no emotions showed on his face.

''I love prague, it's my second favourite place in the world. And I love you guys, you've been like my parents in this short time.'' I said, looking at Pete. He was still looking at me deeply, for a moment it looked like he was disappointed at me.

''We love you more'' Alena said, hugging me tightly. Peter got up from the couch and walked to the window. He stood there a few minutes. I was 100% sure that a tear fell from his eye but he managed to clean it up as fast as he could.


''A year ago my 17 year old daughter died in a car accident. That event broke the family and I ended up drinking alone in a crappy apartment. I had lost everything, until she showed up in a dream and told me that I needed to get my shit together. That's what I did, I went to this meetings and one night I was walking to my new and less crappy apartment when I saw a black car throwing a few bodies on an alley and driving away as fast as they could. So fast I couldn't even catch a glimpse at the patent. That's where I found you. Emily was just like you, a lonely soul. I was too blind to see how much she was suffering, until I got a call saying that my kid was so high and drunk that she crashed another car, dying instantly.'' He explained with tears in his eyes. ''That's why I was so overprotective with you. Every time I saw you running or laughing, I saw her in you. It's crazy seeing that you aren't even related.''

''They do look alike'' Alena said, walking closer to us. He smiled weakly and I sighed.

''Not because I'm moving back to the US in a near future means that I'm going to forget about you guys. I wouldn't have chosen better people to take care of me for this long. I'm forever grateful for that.'' I said. The three of us hugged each other.

''You better come to visit'' Peter joked and we all laughed.

''Are you getting rid of me that quickly? According to me, I still have at least 2 more weeks here. I'm not going anywhere'' I replied laughing.

''Yes you do, so you better make the most of it'' Alena softly said. I opened my mouth to say something when my phone rang in the pocket of my jeans. I smiled softly when I saw who was calling. Lisa.

- Hey -

- Hey baby girl. I'm at the airport in prague completely lost. I could use some help - She joked and I laughed.

- I'm on my way - I replied, ending the call.

I looked at Pete and Alena. ''Mind if I use your car?'' I asked Alena and she nodded, handing me the keys.

''We will come tomorrow morning, so we can give you both some time to catch up. Take care, drive safely'' Peter said as I walked out the apartment.

The drive to the airport wasn't as long as expected. My hands were shaking but I was happy, utterly happy. I was going to see a familiar face after so long, I was going to feel home again. As I stepped inside the giant airport I felt confused. I should've asked her where the heck she was, because now I was sort of lost. I didn't knew where to look until I saw a girl standing next to the window, speaking over the phone. As soon as she turned around she met my gaze and smiled widely. I ran to where she was and I hugged her as tight as never in my life. The scent of her perfume was something I couldn't quite forget. She was a little bit skinnier and her hair was definetely longer.

''I've missed you so much you have no idea'' She whispered in my ear and I felt safe again.

** Heyyyy so yeah, new chapter. Sorry for not updating earlier lol I was kinda busy.

Vote/comment if you liked this chapter. I'll update this weekend for sure *wink wink*

Love y'all.

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