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I rolled out of bed and walked to the kitchen. It was almost 5pm, I had been laying in bed overthinking since last night. It was a cloudy day, perfect for nostalgic moods. A few weeks had passed since the day Peter introduced Dante, my only friend here. I've been telling him about me and he surprisingly has turned out to be a really great friend. 

 Despite of all the good things that had been happening, today was going to be very challenging and I was willing to get through it. Luke and the entire band were here, a few dates were added to the tour they were doing in Europe and that means that he was going to stay here for a couple of days. 3 days to be more precise. I haven't seen him in almost 7 months and my inner senses were fighting the battle whether I should see him or not. Maybe it was a bad idea, after all I'm supposedly dead and he had moved on. Looking back at my past and letting it control me wasn't part of the plans but I couldn't help but feel the need to see him, even if that meant watch him perform. 

 My heart was utterly destroyed by him moving on and getting a new girlfriend, but heart matters can't be fixed and I wanted to see him. I needed to, maybe it could be the real closure I can give to that chapter of my life so I can move on and leave it behind, where it belongs. I sighed, changing my clothes and walking outside the building.

''Hey'' Dante greeted me. He was waiting outside the building, he handed me a helmet and we drove off. ''Are you still sure about this?'' He practically yelled and I sighed, looking around. The day was super cold and we were riding a motorcycle. Such a great idea. 

 ''Not really but I have to do this'' I tried to force a smile but I couldn't. I was frightened about it, nervous and sick.

The ride to the stadium wasn't that big of a deal but the stadium was another thing. It was full of girls -and some boys waiting to get inside. Dante had managed to get some VIP tickets so basically we were a few meters from the stage, hopefully not first row. So once it was time and the doors opened, we slowly made our way there. It was dark, really dark and cold. Or maybe it was just me being scared. My whole body was cold and my hands were shaking. I wanted him to recognize me, I wanted him to know that I was alive and here. But I wasn't allowed. Peter had strictly told Dante to not compromise my safety but this guy was a rebel.

 A few minutes later the entire mob literally threw us to the first row. I wasn't happy, I was freaking out and I took a glimpse at Dante, who was looking around desperately. 

 ''We are in so much trouble'' I heard him say and I nodded. The stage lights were turned on and suddenly they were there, with their instruments and screaming fans. The world stopped for a second. He was still the same boy from months ago, the same boy that saved me from jumping off that cliff, the same boy I fell inlove with. The same luke.

It all happened in slow motion, there was no noise, it was just me standing there. They sang a few songs but I didn't listen until that particular one started to play. I knew the rhythm, the chords, the intro. That was our song but we never finished it. We couldn't find the perfect lyrics for it, everything we wanted to say didn't really fit in words. But seeing that he finished the song made my insides twist.

 ''Don't talk let me think it over, how we gonna fix this? How we gonna undo all the pain'' My heart was beating so fast that I was probably having some heart condition. The last time we went out, before all the bad, he had shown me his little notebook filled with quotes and lyrics. I had wrote that on it, right before I went to face Matt. He was in the hospital, so I poured out my heart, writing a few lyrics and nonsense words. 

 ''I wish I could of made you stay and I'm the only one to blame. I know it's a little too late, this is everything I didn't say'' Every word felt like a stab in the chest. Running from my past was one of the worst mistakes I've ever done. I should've faced it and I wasn't that late for that. He needed to know, my family needed to know I was alive. But I was so scared of being back to be the girl I used to be. 

 ''I feel you burning under my skin, I swear I see you shinning brighter than the flame inside your eyes.'' I closed my eyes, feeling the world spinning. I wanted him, I needed him and I was willing to fight for him.

The music stopped and I looked at him. He was standing there, looking right at me. For a few seconds I felt like it was just him and me, standing in front of each other. Every moment I spent with him were now replaying in my head. His dark blue eyes were locked with mine and I couldn't look away. Suddenly I felt everybody's eyes on me and I looked away. Dante was standing next to me, scared. Luke now knew I was alive, or probably he just thought he was going insane. But this was bad, really bad. 

 ''Spence?'' An australian accent, a soft voice snapped me out of my own thoughts and I looked at him again. A tear fell from his eye and I made my way out of the crowd, running outside as fast as I could.

** I said I was going to update today and here I am. I feel like shit now but I needed to finish this chapter for you guys :). Tomorrow I'm updating again, hopefully. 

Hope you liked this chapter. Vote/Comment if you did :)

I love you guys <3

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