
411 14 3

I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around the room and I realized that I was still sleeping in my parent's room. Nobody was in there though, so I was a little confused about how much time I had slept. I sat on the edge of the bed, trying to calm my headache that was killing me. Yeah, because that's what happens when you cry for hours. I got up slowly, walking out of the room to the stairs. I stopped when I heard my sisters and my mom talking in the piano. 

'So, none of you know what happened to Spencer?' She asked. I sat on the floor, under the table. Yeah, I was trying to hide but I ended up looking ridiculous.

'No mom' I heard Christina. Somebody sighed. 'What's wrong? Christina asked.

'She's so different from you guys.' Mom replied. I held my breath, in shock of what I just heard. 'I thought it would be like raising you guys, but she's so different. Everything's so different in her and that scares me' 

'Is that something bad?' Lauren asked, but nobody replied. I felt some tears falling down my cheeks.

'Sometimes I feel like she doesn't... belong with us. Not in a bad way, but she's so different from us... heck! she doesn't even seems Lauren's twin' Dani said. I felt my cheek getting red and I shook my head, trying to push away those demons that have been hunting me the past years. I always suspected how they felt about me... but hearing it from them... I just wasn't prepared. But the next thing I heard was worse.

'Yeah, I know' Lisa softly added. I was disappointed, angry, sad... I trusted in her, I thought she loved me. I got up fast and walked to the hallway, where Jess was waiting for me.

'I told you... even they hate you. You don't belong here, or anywhere' She said smiling. I frowned and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I couldn't believe it, I just.... I couldn't. I took the razor that was hidden under the sink. Tears kept falling down my cheeks as I slash my wrists. I was done, so done with my life. I stood there, absorbing the pain, wishing, hoping that my life could end. I was tired, life was awful. My eyelids felt heavier and I fell into a deep sleep.


A huge knock on the door woke me up. I looked around, confused. My arms and the floor were covered in blood, almost dry blood. I was really tired and I felt my eyes closing again, but somebody started to bang on the door.

'Is there somebody in there?' I heard Kath. My heart started to beat fast at the thought of them finding me like this. I got up, barely and I leaned against the sink, wiping my arms. More people were banging on the door and I panicked. I cleaned the floor as good as I could, considering how bad I was feeling. I didn't even dared to look myself in the mirror, so I just opened the door. Kath and Lauren were outside, probably waiting to use the bathroom. They looked at me in shock but I just kept walking... more like stumbling. I walked inside my room where Lisa and Christina were talking. I ignored them and went straight to the little stair placed on the bunk. I tried to climb it but I couldn't. Lisa got up and tried to help me

'No, I don't want your help!' I yelled at her. She looked at me in shock and confusion, but I didn't cared. When I was finally able to climb to my bunk, I lay there, closing my eyes and sobbing.

'Spencer...' I heard Christina. I wiped my tears and I turned around.

'What?' I replied harshly. She looked me straight to my eyes and I saw as her eyes slowly traced my arms. She looked at my arms.

'What's that?' She asked me, getting up from the floor, where she had been this whole time. I hid my arms and turned around.

'Nothing, leave me alone' I softly said, covering myself with the sheets.

'NO! Show me your wrists Spencer' She said, pulling the sheets away. I closed my eyes, ignoring her. That didn't actually worked out, because she forced me to turn around. I sat on the bed annoyed. Lisa was behind Christina, looking at me confused. 'Spencer, let me see them' Christina demanded me for the thousandth time.

'WHY SHOULD I?' I asked her. 

'BECAUSE I'M YOUR SISTER AND I HAVE TO KNOW. SPENCER, PLEASE' She practically begged me. I shook my head.

'You're wrong, we are not sisters' I replied, climbing down the bunk. 

'What are you talking about? Of course we are sisters... I want to help you' She said to me. I stopped before reaching the doorknob.

'WE ARE NOT SISTERS! YOU MADE THAT CLEAR TO ME, I DON'T BELONG TO THIS FAMILY SO DON'T YOU EVEN DARE TO SAY THAT YOU CARE ABOUT ME WHEN YOU CLEARLY DON'T.' I yelled at her with tears falling down my cheeks. She gasped and I ran out of there, crashing into someone. Mom, great.

'What is going on here?' She asked, dragging me back to the room. Christina was standing in the middle of the room, apparently she didn't moved since I walked out. Lisa was lying on her bed, probably thinking... as usual. 

'Nothing' I replied softly. Christina looked at with a sad face.

'Then why were you yelling at each other?' Mom asked, now more calmed. I sighed, not wanting to explain anything else.

'Spencer heard what we talked earlier at the piano' Christina replied, looking at the ground. I felt my eyes watering and mom looked at me. 

'Spence...' She said, walking closer. I stopped her.

'Don't you dare to act like a mother, not after what you said' I replied to her, crying. She looked at me in shock.

'I'm sorry for what you heard...' She tried to said, but I interrupted her. I was so done with them.

'No, you can't do that. You can't come here asking for forgiveness. I needed you, I really needed my mom. You don't know what I've dealt this week, you don't know anything. I am so done trying to fit and feel loved in this family. I'm so done with all of you' I said walking out the room, slamming the door. I ran out of the house, to the nearest cliff... my favorite. I've never felt like this, hopeless. I wasn't thinking clearly, I wanted to end this suffering... to end the pain. Without even thinking about it, I ran to the cliff without stopping. I was about to reach the edge, I was about to jump when somebody yelled at me.

'NO! DON'T DO IT, PLEASE' I stopped, sobbing uncontrollably. I turned around, ashamed. A blonde hair boy was standing there, with his hands in the air, I looked at him because something in him was so familiar, even though he was wearing glasses 'Please, just... don't' He practically begged me. I shook my head, turning around again, facing the ocean again. I was so ashamed for getting caught, for exposing myself this way. I turned around again, and he was slowly walking to me.

'No!' I yelled at him, but he didn't stopped. I walked near the edge 'If you come near, I'll jump' I threatened him. He stopped.

'Please don't jump. There's so much than this, there's so much life after this. Don't be fool. don't end your life this way, Not today, not tomorrow. There are moments in life where you can truly see the meaning of things, where you can truly appreciate the color and the beauty in everything that's around you. I know this is not the moment, and I know that you don't know me... and I don't know you either. But we can change that, you can change your life. This is the time when you decide to stay and fight or jump and regret it.' He told me, in an australian accent. I was in shock, his words meant more than he will ever know. I broke down crying, and he ran to me, holding me strongly in his arms. I don't know how much time had passed until I was finally calmed. He was still holding me, while the sun was setting.

'Thank you' I quietly whispered to him. He simply sighed, knowing that there were no specific words that could change or even improve this moment.

**Let's add a little drama (or more) to this story. Wait, not just drama... let's add some romanticism to this lovely story. I hope you liked the chapter. Wanna hear more about the new boy aka the new hero of this story? You will, not now. 

Okay, enough of that haha Thank you for reading and for the cute comments that you guys post! They make me so happy. Thank you guys so much, I love y'all <3

Oh wait ps, I'll give you a hint haha I may or may not be adding a 5sos member to this story oops, you have to tell me if you like the idea or not :3


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