The Letter

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"Y/n Lupin!"a very very angry Remus comes running into the Lupin's living room.

"Uh-Oh!" Y/n jumps over the couch and hides behind her mother

" Y/n what did yo-" their mother instantly stops when Remus comes in the Living room with almost neon like hair. "Y/n Lupin change his hair back this instant!"

"But mum he stole my Chocolate that papa gave me!" She pleaded.

Remus crosses his arms. "LIES I DID NO SUCH THING!"

"OH YEAH THEN WHY ARE MY CHOCOLATE RAPPERS UNDER YOUR PILLOW!"Y/n Jumps on the couch yelling at her brother.

"Y/N AND REMUS! Do not make me get your Nana in here!" Mama stands up looking at both the kids.

Y/n gets her wand and instantly changes his hair back, Remus gets the left over Chocolate and hands it to her. All of a sudden there is a knock on the door.

"Remus dear, get the door." Remus starts to walk towards the door and Y/n sits down back on the couch and opens up her book.

Remus View:

Remus opens the door to see a very happy Sirius holding a letter.

"Where's Y/n?!" Sirius shouts with excitement.

"In here darling!!" Y/n shouts from the living room. Sirius instantly goes to the living room and sits next to Y/n and Her mama.

"Well hello to you to my love." Remus says to his boyfriend that sits with his mother and sister.

Sirius looks over at Remus, "I'm sorry handsome but I was coming over to tell you that Regulus got his letter when I seen this" He holds up a envelope that was addressed to Y/n.

Mrs.Lupin grabs the letter and reads it. "Oh my stars!!!"

"What mama? What?" Y/n goes to grab the letter and opens it. "I- I've been accepted into Hogwarts!!!" Y/n looks at her brother with a shocked yet excited look on her face.

Remus looks up at his Mum and sister, "Does this mean you will transfer to our school?" he says with a smile.

Everyone goes silent and looks at a very confused Y/n.

"What do ya say Hun?" Their mom raps her arms around her.

"I say-" Y/n pauses "I say yes!" They all jump up and group hug laughing.

"Wait!" Remus stops everyone "You have to start packing! We leave tomorrow."

Later on that night after Sirius had left, The two were cleaning and their mum was in their family's study with their Nana. But the two kids were in the room cleaning the room and packing Y/ns stuff.

"What's wrong?" Remus says as he looks up from his book stand.

"What ever do you mean?" Y/n looks up while folding clothes.

"Your my sister and I can't tell when something is bothering you. So spill" He goes and sits on the bed which leads her full attention to her brother.

"What if I end up in Slytherin? Or Hufflepuff? What if I don't get Gryffindor like you?" Y/n starts to tear up a beat and looks away from Remus.

"Y/n/n If you don't get Gryffindor it's perfectly fine. If you get Hufflepuff then that's fine, If you get Ravenclaw then so be it. And if you get Slytherin that is okay cause I will love you either way" he hugs his sister with a smile.

"But mum and nan won't be so happy" Y/n hugs her brother tighter and starts to cry

Next thing y/n knows her mum and Nana are hugging her to. "My dear Y/n, If you get Slytherin that's okay, you don't choose your house the house chooses you basically." Nan kisses Y/n's head

"Sweetie we won't be upset, if anything we would be proud, just promise not to prank Mr.Slugghorn?" Her mom stands up.

The four of them hug eachother and soon after they all go to bed. Y/n Finishes putting her stuff together and lays down for the night.

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