New friends?

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It was the next day. Y/n and Nana Lupin had invited there friends from new York over for the summer. They all arrived at the same time. The Mauraders and Ravens were playing quidditch out back while Y/n and Nanna got ready for everyone. There was a knock at the door and Y/n tan to it immediately.

Y/n opened the door. "AHHH HEYYY" she said as she hugged everyone at the same time.

"Hey sis!" Crutch said as he hugged her.

"Hey little one" Mr.Jenkins said hugging her.

"Ahhh!!" Letty and Ruby screamed as they squeezed Y/n.

"Hello love" Race said making his usual gesture.

"Hey speedy" Jack said hugging her.

"Y/n!" Mush yelled as he ran to hug her.

"Well hello there beautiful." Spot said as walked from behind everyone.

"Spot." Y/n said smiling slightly.

"Hey what about me gorgeous?" Kid said as he hugged Y/n.

"Oh do come in!" Y/n said as she walked in. Everyone followed her to the kitchen.

"Oh hello everyone!" Nan said smiling. "Wait where Davey?"

"Oh his mom and pops said he had to stay back this summer." Jack said

"Oh okay. Well Y/n take them to meet your brother and friends." Nana said waving the kids away.

"Fine. Come on." Y/n said as she ran down the long hall with her friends running behind her. Crutchie had went the shortcut and was there before anyone.

"Crutch man howd you get here?" Race asked.

"I've been here before. I know secrets." Crutchie said smiling at Y/n.

"Guys come on we're gonna miss it!" Y/n yelled as her and her friends ran to the small quidditch feild.

All the newsies except Crutchie were shocked. They had never seen anyone fly on brooms or use magic before.

"Y/n!" Klaus shouted out. Everyone stopped playing and hopped off there broomstick's to meet the new friends.

"I'm Klaus and this is my lovely sister Lucy who is gladly taken by the best Mr. Davey Zanders."

"Hi." All the newsies said trying not to laugh.

"I'm regulus Black" he said as he put his arm around Y/n

"I'm Sirius Black, Remus's boyfriend and Regulus brother."

"I'm Peter."

"I'm Remus Lupin. the hotter Lupin twin."

"And I'm James."

Lilly stepped forward. "I'm Lilly Evans. James Girlfriend."

Everyone looked at Ruby then at Lilly shocked.

"Well. I told you. They look exactly alike." Y/n said expressionless.

Everyone introduced themselves and hung out but eventually it was dinner time. And oh what better way to have drama unfold then at dinner.

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