Times flying by fast

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Two days before Y/n has to leave. She has been stressing the day. Todays the day she is going to break up with Regulus. She knows it'll hurt them both but she feels she needs to. She gets ready for class and goes to breakfast.

She gets to the great hall and sees her friends eating together and waves to them. Then she goes to her brother and his friends.

"Hello sunshine!" Remus says smiling

"How'd you sleep little one?" Sirius asked moving over so she could sit.

"Pretty good" she sits, "How are you all?"

"Well I'm doing great!" Lilly says smiling.

"I would be better if I wasn't so stressed with Quidditch." James replied.

"I could be better but your brother snores." Peter says laughing.

"I DO NOT!" Remus exclaimed.

"Sorry to say babe but you do." Sirius says laughing.

"I'm used to it" Y/n replied.

The Ravens and Regulus all walked over to the table.

"Hey bestie!!" Klaus and Davey yelled then immediately looked over.

"Klaus we have been through this I'm her number one bestie!" Davey says

"Actually it's me" Peter smiled.

"Umm no guys it's me!" Remus says "I'm her brother"

"Exactly so you can't be her #1 so it's me!" Regulus replied.

"Guys relax it's not a competition." She paused "Plus it's Davey" she giggled

Davey smiled big while the others sighed in defeat. "So Y/n I know you don't want to talk about it but how are you feeling?"

"Honestly scared. Like I'm ready to go with Nan but there's one other things I have to do first." She looked at peter to where no one noticed.

"I'm sure you got this. Just know you have to talk to us still!" James replied "Can't be leaving me out of the loop with the drama" he laughed

"Relax James you will be the first I inform about any drama" she smiled.

The group continued to talk before heading to class. Once classes were over they all went there own ways after. Y/n and regulus went to the hut and relaxed before dinner.

"Y/n?" Regulus said quietly.

"Yes Reggie?"

"We need to talk."he said sadly

"About?" She asked

"About us."



"What is it?"she asked

"Well. Your leave tomorrow then you will be gone for a while and we don't know how long." He sighed


"So I think it's best to break up. I don't want to but it would be best. When you leave you might find someone and you might find your true calling outside of this world and I don't want to hold you back." He said quietly but loud enough for her to hear.

"I understand. I wanted to talk to you about that but I was scared. I do love you though." She says walking towards him.

The two hugged eachother and Y/n started to tear up. "Hey" regulus said.

"Yeah?" She replied sniffing

"You will always be my lovely Y/n"

"And you will always be Mr.Black. The boy who I fell for"

"Tim flys by fast with you." He says smiling.

"As well as you."

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