"Do you like Y/n?"

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Y/n slowly picks up the note that had fallen. Debating on reading it she sits on her bed. "Ya know what" she says aloud "I'm not gonna do it. I need to breathe and go downstairs". Y/n gets up and runs down stairs to her friends and family.

Let's take a minute to go back to Regulus black. The boy who can't seem to get his feelings straight. No one dared ask what happened between him and Y/n, they just let it go. Severus Snape is out with Lucious Malfoy, and Bellatrix, all taunting younger students when Regulus goes over to them.

"Oi" Regulus calls out.

"What Black?" Severus replies with frustration.

"Do you like Y/n?" Regulus asked.

"Who doesn't" Lucious laughed.
The three laugh while Regulus turns red.

"I'm serious?!"Regulus yells.

"Woah" Bellatrix starts. "Relax, all he means to say is she's hot."

"Look Reggie, of course I don't like her. She's just hot and easy to mess with." Severus says in a cocky tone.

"You have no right to talk about her like that!"Regulus gets closer.

"Why?" Severus steps forward "Just cause she won't give in to you doesn't mean she won't do it for anyone else."

Regulus had gotten so furious he punched Severus without thinking.  "Don't you ever talk about her in any way ever again. Y/n is the most amazing person you could ever meet. She's not just an object you can use!" Regulus says and then walks away to Professor Slugghorns office.

"Professor!" Regulus called out.

"Yes boy?" Slugghorn says as he walks out his office into the classroom.

"Do you know Ms.Lupins number?" Regulus asked desperately.

"Well not particularly why do you ask? I thought you were with Ms.Y/n" Slugghorn replied.

"Not Y/n, her Grandmother!" Regulus states.

"OH! Well of course. But why do you need it?" Slugghorn asked.

"I need to get talk to Y/n. Before it's to late to tell her." Regulus says with regret in us eyes.

"Ahhh, so you do love her?" Slugghorn says. "Well, I can't give it to you but I can help."

"How?" Regulus asked as he looks up at the man who had a huge smile.

"Every year Ms.Lupin invites me over for some brunch and tea. Tomorrow I am to go visit her. You will accompany me and tell Y/n in person" Slugghorn goes to grab some of his things. "Now, go pack and get some rest. We have to be up early."

(A/n: Sorry if it's not what you expect I'm trying my best. )

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