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It was 5:30 a.m. Y/n got up and went to the garden to see her Nan, Spot, Ruby, Mush, and Letty all talking.

"Where's Mr.Jenkins?" Y/n asked.

"Oh sweetie he had to go back home to attend to some business." Nan replied.

"Oh okay." Y/n replied. "Well how do you 4 like it here so far?"

"Its definitely different." Mush replied.

"Yeah turns out me and Lilly are related so.. interesting tho I have no magic." Ruby said as she brushed her red hair behind her ear.


Y/n chuckled. "He is very sweet. And I have told you about him."

"Well I've fallen in love with this place." Spot says laughing.

"Good to know." Nan says smiling.

"Watch it spot, Nan might just have you move in and work for her." Y/n said laughing.

"Okay okay enough." Mush said. "The real question is. What were you and Regulus doing last night in the kitchen?"

Everyone looked shocked but in a good way.

"Okay first off stop snooping around and second off, it was nothing I went to get a snack cause I couldn't sleep then ended up dancing while singing my favorite song when regulus entered and danced with me. Then we sat in silence and then eventually talked and he asked me if I was in love with spot." Y/n said trying to catch her breathe as she said the last part fast.

Nan, Letty, and Ruby gasped. Mush just looked shocked and Spot was laughing.

"WHAT?!" Y/n asked looking worried.

"He asked you that?!" The girls said in union.

"Yes!" Y/n said looking flustered.

"Y/n my bestfriend, love of my life. Please sit." Letty said patting the seat next to her.

Y/n walked over and sat.

"Sooo." Spot asked.

"What?" Y/n replied.

"Well what did you say!?" Mush replied.

"I simply replied with 'If your asking do I love him or do I love you... then the answer is you. I always have and always will. Now goodnight.' Then I left and went to bed." Y/n replied looking worried.

"Yes!" Spot said excitedly as everyone looked at him. "What?" He said. "Oh, guys I have a girlfriend plus let's be real she's in love with him obviously. And I'm her friend who told her to do what's best."

"He didn't say it exactly like that but he is right." Y/n replied.

"My dear granddaughter" Nan said pausing. "You really left that poor boy wondering."

Everyone laughed.

"What?" Y/n said.

"Goodmorning!" Jack says walking towards the 6 people sitting in the garden.

"Wow cowboy your up early." Y/n said laughing.

"Yeah I am." He said smiling.

"Morning Nana and dearest twin." Remus says walking behind Jack as he sits on the bench with Y/n and lays his head on her lap.

"So what are we talking about?" Jack asked.

"Oh ya know. Just the fact Y/n left Regulus after completely telling him she loved him instead of Spot when he asked." Ruby said trying not to freak out.

"YOU WHAT!" Jack and remus said in union.

"Oh come on, you guys to." Y/n says trying not to freak out.

"Sis you do realize ever since you left that poor boys has been sulking in his feelings, he finds out Spot was your ex boyfriend while you were gone. Then you leave him without giving him a chance to respond!" Remus says sitting up to look at his sister.

"Oh Merlin I am an idiot." Y/n says face palming.

They all laugh and change the subject.

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