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After Regulus left the hut Y/n started crying harder.

"Y/n/n you know I care about you but the two of you need to talk." Peter says sitting up to look at Y/n.

"I know Pete" she sighed "But what would I even say."

"Tell him how you feel." Peter says as he looks away. "Look. Even though me and Regulus both like you I can tell your in love with him and after the break you two have barely talked about what happened."

She looks at him then the floor. She sighed and stood up. "I don't know. I feel like it might be best for us to break up if we even ate a thing. Peter I'm gonna be going with my Nan to New York for a while and I think the time apart would make it worse for me and him."

"Y/n if that's what you think is best then do it." He stood up. "Now I have to go. Get some rest."

Peter left the hut and went back to his dorm. Meanwhile Y/n laid in her bed and closed her eyes still crying over everything going on.

                       ~Next day~
Y/n woke up before Regulus and quickly got dressed. She went to the great hall and got breakfast. She didn't talk to anyone during breakfast, once she finished she went to her first class and through out the day she kept to her self.

                       ~Klaus POV~
I woke up and got dressed then headed to breakfast. When I got there Y/n had already left but everyone else was sitting at the table. I walked over and sat next to Lucy.

"Hey there little sis" I smiled.

"Hey big brother" she laughed a bit.

"So have you talked to Y/n?" Davey asked me.

"No. Actually I don't think anyone has since we arrived. During our free period we should go ask her brother." I suggested.

"Agreed" Lucy and Davey said.

We all went to class and when our free period came we went to find Remus. Of course him and his friends were siting talking with one another.

"Hey guys" Lucy called out.

They looked over at us. "What's up?" James asked.

"We were wondering if any of you have heard from Y/n." I said

"I talked to her last night." Peter replied.

"Well she hasn't talked to us since we got here. And she was gone when we got to breakfast." Davey replied

"I'm sure she's fine" Remus stated

"Yeah it's Y/n, she's probably just got some things on her mind with school." Lilly said.

"Oh. Okay, well see ya" I said as I walked off to my next class.

                      ~Regulus POV~

I was hanging with some of the ppl in my house when I seen the ravens walk towards my brother and his friends. I over heard them talking about Y/n. I didn't think much of it. So I went on about my day.

After all my classes I went to the hut to get ready for dinner when I seen Y/n was already there.

"Hey Y/n/n!"

She looked at me then back at her book, "Hey Reg."

"You okay?"

"Mhm" she replied.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing." She said reading her book.

We just sat there in silence for a second before I started to get ready for dinner.

"Are you Jealous of Peter?" She asked.

I froze. I didn't know what to say.

"Because every time he and I talk you always leave. Like you don't like him." She put her book down which then I knew she was serious.

I sighed. "Yes Y/n I am. Ever since I met you he always seemed to have more of your attention then I did. It was like you loved him more and I know how he feels about you and you do to."

"Yes I do know that. But Peter and I both know I love you more. I'm fact we talked about it. But he's also my 2nd bestfriend. You have to understand that." She stood up and walked towards me. "Regulus Black you are the one who is my heart. Not Peter, Not Davey, Not anyone."

She stared into my eyes. I couldn't resist. I kissed her. And she kissed me back.

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