'Half siblings'

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All the kids except Davey and Y/n gathered in the Garden room, nana wasn't in there yet so they talked of what it might me. Meanwhile Y/n and Davey were in Y/n's room. Y/n searched her dresser for a lighter.

"Are you sure you want to before talking to Nan?" Davey asked.

"More than you think." She grabs the lighter, "found it."

"Okay." Davey pulled a small jar out from under Y/n's mattress. The two sit on the bed, Davey grabs a pipe and packs it. The two of them each take turns taking hits, they both took two. When they finish the empty the pipe, hide everything in different places. "Ready?" Davey asked. Y/n shook her head and the two made sure they didn't smell, then ran to the Garden room at the same time they arrived so Did Nan.

"Ahhh everyone is here." Nana said.

"Nana. What's this about?" James asked.

"Well my dear boy. There's something I feel you should all know." Nan said as she sat in a piano bench. Everyone looked at each other then sat down. "Y/n and Remus are only half siblings."Nan claimed.

Everyone gasped. All shocked of what they heard. "I'm sorry what?" Remus asked.

"You both have the same father, just different mothers." Nana said. "Before you ask any questions let me explain." Everyone looked at the two siblings then back to Nana. "Your father was not a nice guy, he left your mother after an argument Remus. He went to go get a drink, but instead he ran into your mother instead Y/n. He felt bad after what he did and went home to his wife. He found out both of your mums were pregnant and had them meet. While your mother was furious Remus, Your mother was not Y/n. The two got to know each other. But Ann felt guilty. Both of you were born the same day same time. Ann asked your mum if she would take Y/n, she claimed she wasn't fit to be a mother. Your mum agreed to never tell you. But then Bart was brought here about 15 years ago. Ann came to me, told me she didn't know what to do, I trued telling her to take him. She did or so I thought. Bart came to me today, asking about his mother, apparently she told the man she left him with he had a sister." Nan continued.

"Your telling me," Y/n paused, " Me and Remus have different moms but we're born exact time and date?"

"Yes." Nan replied.

Y/n got up and left. She ran to the abandoned greenhouse in the woods. There was only broken glass, dead and alive plants, weeds coming through the concert ground, and vines coming through the windows of half shattered glass. A piano stood in the middle of the greenhouse. The only thing that seemed alive and new. Remus ran in to see his sister broken on the floor of the greenhouse. He quickly scooped her in his arms. "This changes nothing" he whispered, "Your still my twin sister, no matter what." They both breakdown crying holding each other. They were out there for more than 2 hours. They cried, laughed, sat in silence. While everyone else trued to take in the news and process it, they even met Bart. No one knew where Remus and Y/n were at, they also knew they needed time so they waited. Eventually Regulus showed up, he had no idea where he was he just went looking for them, he heard a faint piano playing. So he followed the sound. He came across, The Greenhouse.

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