The Dorm Problem

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The Sorting hat paused for a second deciding "BETTER BE RAVENCLAW!"

All do Ravenclaw table claps and yells motioning for Y/n to come join them. Y/n sits by a shy boy who looked lonely. "Hey I'm Y/n Lupin, what's your name?" She smiles softly holding her hand out to him.

"I- I'm Davey Zander" He holds his hand out and they shake hands.

"Well Mr. Zander tell me about your self if ya don't mind" Y/n smiles and takes her hand back.

"Well believe it or not, I'm part of the Quidditch team, do you play?" He smiles at her.

"Yes actually I play with my brother and his boy friend and our papa when we are all together. They have a team here ?" Y/n asked politely

"Each house has a team, unfortunately we have no room on our team tho." He looks down sadly.

"No worries! We can still play on our own time!" She says with excitement.

The two of them talk for a while and every now and then Y/n would catch Regulus staring at her and he would simply smile. Her brother on the other hand was to busy hanging out with his friends. Once dinner is over everyone goes to the common rooms but Dumbledore had Hagrid pull you and Regulus aside.

Hagrid calls out to you and regulus. "Regulus and Ms. Lupin, Dumbledore would like to see Ye"

"What for?" Regulus asked looking up at the very talk man.

"Not to sure, follow me tho" The two follow Hagrid to Dumbledores office.

"Hagrid did you get Ms.Lupin and Mr.Black" Dumbledore ask while looking at some papers.

"Yessir got 'em right here with me" Hagrid steps aside so Dumbledore can see the two of you.

"Professor Dumbledore, it's nice to finally meet you sir" Regulus stands up straight and puts on a serious face.

"I hate to tell the two of you but there are unfortunately no more beds in any of the dorms in either Slytherin or Ravenclaw." Dumbledore finally looks up.

"Well sir where will we stay?" Y/n starts to move somewhat closer to The desk.

"Well I've got some huts empty near mine... well one actually, but it is two beds and is close to mine." Hagrid stands up more confidently and looks at the two standing near him.

"Well, if the two of you are okay with it, I don't mind but the rules are the same for you two as the rest of the students!" Dumbledore sounds more demanding at the end of his sentence.

"Yessir" Regulus and Y/n look at eachother then back at Dumbledore.

"Very well, I'll take ye both to it then." Hagrid turns to Regulus and Y/n. "Cmon now!"

The three of them starts to walk towards the hut just a hut away from Hagrid's. Hagrid hands them both a piece of paper that has the password to there door to open. And goes to his hut. Regulus does says the Password and goes straight to a bed.

"WOW! Can you believe this is just for the two of us!?" Y/n looks around amazed of what she sees.

"Yeah yeah, it's cool and all but what is our brothers going to say?" Regulus turns around on his back and looks at Y/n.

"No clue, should we go tell them?" She turns to him.

"My love, I'll do what you do" he says with a smile.

Y/n laughs a little then pulls him off the bed and they run to the Great hall when they see Their brothers and some friends.

Regulus view:

"I wonder where y/n is. I didn't get a chance to speak to her after they got sorted" Remus looks at Sirius.

"Hey who's the new girl?" Peter points to a figure of a girl and boy.

"I think that's Y/n!" Remus gets closer.

"And my brother" Sirius rolls his eyes.

"Relax babe, I'm sure they just ran into eachother." Remus starts to sprint to his sister.

"REMUS!" Y/n runs and hugs her brother. "Boy do I have some news for you."

"You guys might want to come with us" Regulus says a but worried for his brothers reaction.

Remus, Sirius and their friends Follow Y/n and Regulus to their hut.

"Regulus, what are we doing here? Pleas don't get us in trouble!" Sirius looks at his brother scared for what is to come.

"So basically there was no beds in the Dorms so Hagrid suggested we stay in this hut and dumbledore agread so this is where the two of us will stay please don't be mad!" Y/n speaks so fast it took her brother time to process but Sirius had already caught on.

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