Ex Boyfriends

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Dinner time. Everyone was sitting at the long table. It was lovely. Until Lilly of course had to open her mouth.

"So Y/n tell us more about the boy!" Lilly said excited.

"Umm." Y/n looked at everyone.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Klaus said trying to help his friend. But everyone else insisted.

"Well. He new how to sell papes. Loved to listen to me sing it tell my stories. We made a good team. We hated eachother at first. But... then we didn't." Y/n said trying not to make eye contact.

"Tell us his name already!!" Remus demanded.

"Guys that's enough." Nana Lupin said.

"What about the boys here?" Race asked.

"Huh?" Y/n said confused

"What boy at Hogwarts did you date? We know you dated someone." Mush said excitedly

"Guys enough about Y/n's exs." Mr.Jenkins said.

"Why?" Everyone but Klaus and Y/n asked.

"Because for Merlin sakes! Regulus is my ex here and Spot was my ex there!" Y/n said frustrated. She got up and stormed off.

"Good job Lilly." Klaus said.

"What did I do?" Lilly asked.

"You started it!" Klaus said rudely.

"You to race! You know better than to ask a lady of her ex." Jack said looking at race.

The rest of dinner was quiet. Everyone would look at Spot and Regulus for small moments. But when dinner was over everyone went to their rooms. Spot however searched for Y/n. He went into the garden outside and seen her walking into the woods. He followed her and seen she went into a an old glass greenhouse. He stayed for a second but when she started playing music he walked in and sat back to watch her.

"Wonderful." Spot said starling Y/n

"Jesus spot!"


"You never sneak up on a lady!" She said.

"I'm sorry."

"What do you want?" She asked

"Do you still love him?" Spot asked looking at her seriously.


"You know who."

"Of course I do. He was my first love. I loved you of course but... we are better as friends. But Regulus..."

"I know. He's different." Spot said. "I'm not mad or upset. I actually hope you get back together."

"Wait really?" She asked

"Of course." He said laughing. "It's obvious that your inlove with him. And I want you to be happy. Plus, I kinda like daphne."

"DAPHNE?!" She said smiling big

"Yes you idiot now stop smiling your scaring me!"

"Oh come on. You to are cute. Now let's go it's getting late." Y/n said.

The two walked back and went separate ways. Of course it was an odd day but atleast everyone's is still friends. Right?

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