Late night

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After y/n went to her room she just laid there in bed. Bored, tired but not able to sleep. She got up and decided to sing as she wrote about her day. About 30 minutes later she was still not able to fall asleep so she got up and went to the kitchen.

She got to the kitchen and sang (she sang sad girl by Lana del Rey) as she was singing and dancing around the kitchen she was getting a few thinks to make her a snack before being interrupted by a pair of hands grabbing her and spinning her around.

"Regulus" she said confused.

"Well don't stop now love" he said as he started dancing with her.

She continued to sing and dance around the kitchen with him. Eventually she stopped and finished fixing her a snack. She hopped on the counter as she ate.

"So why are you down here?" She asked regulus.

"Well same as you of course." He replied getting some fruit out the fridge.

"Oh okay." She said continuing to eat her food.

They were sitting there in silence for a minute before she finally asked.
"Regulus how come you danced with me?"

"Well because no matter what I'll always dance with you. Your my friend after all." He said smiling slightly as he hops on the counter with his bowl of cut fruit.

"Oh. Of course." She said looking down. "Well I'm gonna go to bed." She said getting of the counter.

"Wait!" Regulus said jumping off the counter.

"Yes Reggie?"she said.

"Do you love him?" He asked.

"If your asking do I love him or do I love you... then the answer is you. I always have and always will. Now goodnight." She replied then walked off to her room.

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