'The end of our journey together'

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The next day Y/n said goodbye to everyone before heading off to her nans. In precisely 26 hours and 10 minutes she would be going to New York.

"Well sister. I hope you enjoy your time with your little brother and Nan" Remus says hugging Y/n

"I'll try my best but it won't be the same without you twin." She replied

Sirius walked up to hug her "Don't worry I'll try to keep him out of trouble. Along with my brother."

"I'm sure remus will be keeping all of you out of trouble" she laughed

"Oh Y/n I'm gonna miss you!" Lucy hugged her crying.

"I'm gonna miss you to Lucy." She hugged her back.

"You were the first friend I made here. Promise you'll be back as soon as possible?" Davey asked.

"Of course Davey. Your like my brother" Y/n says holding his hand reassuring him.

Klaus just looks at her tearing up. "Oh man I'm gonna miss you!!" He runs and hugs her tightly.

"Klaus I can't breathe" she gasped.

"Sorry" he let go

Y/n looks at her friends, family, her world. She knows she's gonna miss them but she has to do this, she needs to do this.

"Well guys. This is the end of our journey together. I love you all. I'm gonna miss y'all" y/n says.

She hugs everyone once more before getting on the train.

The end

Or is it?

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