'The Kiss'

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Regulus was searching for Remus and Y/n in the woods when he comes across  the Greenhouse. He hears the faint sounds of the piano being played and slowly approaches the door to the greenhouse. He sees Remus playing the piano as Y/n dances to the melody. Y/n sees Regulus through the glass and gestures for him to come in. He does as she says and she grabs his hand. They dance gracefully to Remus playing the piano, once it's over he stands from the bench and the two dancing bow to one another then applaud Remus.

"Wonderful!" Y/n says applauding and laughing.

"Brilliant Sir!" Regulus says in a fake accent applauding him.

"Thank you!" Remus bowed, "Thank you, you're to kind" He laughed.

The Three laughed and hugged each other. "So my dearest Reggie, What brings you out here this fine night?" Y/n asked.

"Oh, well it's been a few hours and supper is almost ready. I wanted to make sure you both were okay." Regulus replied.

"We are." Remus says, "Thank you for checking on us."

"Well." Regulus stands there awkwardly.

"Umm, I'm gonna head back." Remus says.

Y/n and Remus hug each other, Remus and Regulus shake hands. "Love you bubba." Y/n replied.

"Love you too" Remus says as he walks off.

Y/n went and sat on the piano bench, and started playing a soft, sweet, gentle tune. Regulus looked at her and smiled, he sat next to her and just admired her. He then looked up at the night sky through the half shattered roof. As he watched the stars, Y/n continued to play then began to speaks.
"You know. When I first met you, I thought you were gonna be the death of me." She says without missing a key.

"And?" Regulus asked looking back at her.

"And I was right."

"Ouch." He grabbed his heart like it had been shot.

"But," she continued, "At least you are here with me." She looks at him smiling.

He smiles back, "Always My Lovely Y/n." He moves a strand of hair behind her ear as the moonlight beams down on her face. She blushed a bit. "No matter what is said or done, I will always be here."


"I promise love." He stares into her eyes.

The two lean in close, gently pressing their lips on each other's. They both had been dreaming of this day since they had met and here they were. They pull apart smiling.

"Truth be told. I've loved you since the day we met Mr. Black." Y/n says as she looks up at the sky.

"And so have I Ms.Lupin" He looks up at the sky and grabs her hand.

"We should be getting back to the house tho. It's dark and I'm hungry."

"Of course." Regulus gets up and guides Y/n to the Manor.

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