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Y/n and Regulus lay in her bed as she slowly stops crying. "It's okay love." Regulus said kissing the top of her head.

"My nana is sick. How is this okay?!"

"Y/n She is strong!" He yelled which startled her. "I'm sorry love. But I promise she will get better."

"How can you promise that?"

"Because I have faith."

They eventually fell asleep and the next morning Nan told everyone. Everyone was feeling mixed emotions. The thought of possibly losing the woman who had open arms for them all just hurt.
        *Skip to the end of break*
The first day back to school everyone went there separate ways, back to the houses they were in just as the left. Regulus and Y/n however had to go have a talk with Dumbledore. The two arrived to the entrance of the headmasters office and went in.

"Ahhh" Professor McGonagall turned around, "You're here!" She runs and hugs Y/n.

"Professors. What is this all about?" Regulus asked tilting his head.

"Ms.Lupin your nan has sent a letter to us. In two weeks you will be going with her to New York. However you have to stay here until then do to the fact she has some things to do and you need to learn atleast a few things." The headmaster says as he turns around. "Now as to why the two of you are here. I'm afraid you will have to continue to share the hut until Y/n leaves." Professor Dumbledore sits down in his chair not breaking eye contact with the two kids.

Y/n just nods her head. Silently she turns to leave. Regulus looks at both the professors and nods his head with a small smile. When the two arrive to the hut Y/n just lays in her bed. Not saying a word. Regulus begins to worry, but doesn't say anything as he unpacks. The two stay in silence for the rest of the time in the hut, not wanting to talk about what happened over break. The two had became an 'item' as some might say. A knock is heard on the hit door and regulus gets up to answer it. He opens the door to see Peter.... Oh how much he disliked Peter. He knew that at some point he'd have to be nice but he chose not to.

"What do you want Pettigrew?" Regulus snarled.

"I'd like to see my friend Black."

Y/n let out a sigh and sits up "Come in Pete"

Peter looked at Regulus who rolled his eyes then walked and sat on the bed Y/n was on. "Is everything okay?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't it be?" She replied with a faint smile.

Peter just shook his head and looked up "Ever since what your Nan told us, you've been really off and I just want to check on you cause I know no one else will."

"Well. Then no. No I am not okay, my bestfriend is sick. I don't know what to do." She tears up and lays her head on Peters shoulder.

Regulus got up from his bed once more and left the hut, furious and jealous of the two.

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