Regulus Black

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Finally the day Y/n is dreading, mainly cause she just found out about it yesterday. Remus jumps on Y/n's bed screaming.

"Y/n Get up!! Get up!!" Remus shouts as he bounces on his sister bed trying not to hurt her.

"I'm up you imbecile" she pushes him off the bed.

"You better be! Your gonna make us miss the train, Nana is taking us to the station cause Mum had to go to the ministry" Remus jumps to his feet and puts his robe on and grabs his bag "We are meeting Sirius and his brother there"

Y/n Throws her covers off her and grams her wand and does a quick spell to make her bed.

"Hey! Mum said no magic to help with chores!" Remus called out

"Well mum isn't home and Nan does the same as me" she giggles

Nan comes in the room and pushes Remus out to help Y/n get ready. "Ya know dear, I once was afraid my first time at Hogwarts to."

"Any advice Nan? I could use some"

Nan helps Y/n do her hair "My dear, You are a talented person, you just need to keep your chin up and accept the path you take, remember to trust your brother tho."

"I love you Nan! Promise to write me!" Y/n turns around and hugs her Nan.

Remus runs in. "Nan, Y/n, hurry we got to go!!"
"Okay okay!" Nan grabs both their hands

Remus and Y/n get outside and set both their cases down, They both help Nana into the carriage. Once Nana is in they set off for the Train Station, once they get to the train station Remus sees Sirius and runs to give him a huge hug.

"They are quite a lovely couple aren't they?" Nan nudges Y/n.

"They really are" y/n smiles a bit "I wonder if I'll find someone like Remus has."

"Of course you will Dear, maybe not be you Boyfriend or Girlfriend but you will find someone one day." Nan hugs Y/n and kiss her forehead. "Now, go on, you don't wanna mis the train"

Y/n goes to hug Nan one more time then runs off to Sirius and Remus. They get on the train and sit at an open spot.

"So Y/n, excited about today?!" Sirius ask with a huge smile on his face.

"Actually I'm more nervous then excited." Y/n looks out the window.

"Why is that dear?" Sirius looks at Y/n with a questionable face.

"She's afraid she will get Slytherin" Remus looks at Sirius giving him a look to try and comfort her. When all of a sudden a young boy comes and sits next to Y/n.

"What's this I hear about Afraid to be a Slytherin?" The boy looks at the three of them.

"Regulus go away!" Sirius rolls his eyes.

"An you are?" Y/n says with a snappy tone.

"The names Regulus Black, Sirius much hotter brother" The boy says with a cocky tone.

"Well rEgUlUs"y/n rolls her eyes and mocks him, "If you must know it's my first time at Hogwarts I've transferred."

"Well .. Ummm what's your name again?" Regulus looks at y/n

"Y/n Lupin, your Brothers boyfriends sister" y/n looks back out the window.

"We'll My lovely Y/n, if you get into Slytherin that's fine, cause then you'll be in a house with me" he playfully smirks.

Sirius looks at his brother and rolls his eyes "Leave her alone, plus you don't even know if your gonna be in Slytherin"

"We'll see, until then, goodbye my lovely Y/n." Regulus gets up and leaves the three of them to their self.

"Looks like someone likes you" Remus giggles and lays his head on Sirius

"No he doesn't" y/n looks at her brother then spreads out in the seat.

The three of them talk and laugh while waiting on the train to get to hogwarts, of course Remus fell asleep. When they get to Hogwarts Y/n and Remus got separated while waiting to be sorted.

"My lovely Y/n, how nice it is to see you again" Regulus stands next to Y/n, "Now why is it I get the feeling you don't like me?"

"I never said I didn't like you, your just a very cocky person, I wouldn't be surprised if you end up in Slytherin" y/n rolls her eyes.

Regulus laughs a bit before McGonagall comes over. "Ladies and Gentlemen, as you see in front of us all is new students. I will call each of there names and they will come and get sorted into theirs houses." McGonagall proceeds to call students name in the order she had.

"It's just the two of us now, good luck Y/n/n" Regulus smiles at y/n before McGonagall continues.

"Regulus Black!" McGonagall calls his name as he walks up and sits on the stool.

The sorting hat starts to talk, "Ahhh yes, Another Black family member. A very Cocky one, but yet very smart, better be.... SLYTHERIN!" All of Slytherin yells and claps as Regulus looks back to you and smiles.

"And finally, Y/n Lupin" McGonagall calls her name, as y/n goes to sit, she's starts to get nervous again.

"Ahh yes, The transfer, Very brave, Very Smart, much more talent then others, very witty. BETTER BE!!!"

Don't hate me for this but gonna leave you on a cliffhanger here. Hope you've enjoyed so far.

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