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It's been a few days, Last day of school before break and everyone can go to the Lupin Manor. Everyone would hangout at dinner and breakfast, The groups got closer together ever since the other night; Everyone except Regulus. Ever since that night him and Y/n haven't talked, mainly cause he didn't want to get hurt and she was afraid she did something wrong. Everyone's in their last class, unfortunately Y/n had potions with Regulus this time. As Slugghorn walks in the class room he sees Y/n siting alone. "Ms.Lupin, where is your boyfriend?" He ask while pointing to the empty seat.

"He's not my boyfriend." She says looking up.
"Well you could have fooled me dear." Slugghorn says as she laughs a bit.
"I honestly don't know where he is tho, we aren't on speaking terms." She looks back down.
"Well, maybe you should try talking to him first." Slugghorn suggest as he goes to the front of the class. As Slugghorn starts to teach class, the door opens in the back of the classroom. "Ahh, how nice of you to finally join us Mr.Black, I'm afraid to say cause your late you have detention with Filch" When he says the last part and turns around, he looks at you before turning around and gives a small nod. Regulus comes and sits next to you being it's his assigned seat. You didn't even look at him. Mid way through class You feel something hit your head softly, you ignore it until it happens once again; you turn around to see Severus turn away like it was nothing, you tune back around and ignore it. Severus continues to throw small balls of paper at the back of your head, eventually it gets to the point where you where sick of his shít and turned around and slapped him. Everyone looks at you and Slugghorn just shook his head.
"Ms.Lupin, I'm afraid violence is not acceptable behavior in my class room, that will be detention" He turns back around and continues class. As you go to sit down Regulus just looks at you, you were so aggravated you looked at him and said "What are you staring at Black!?"
He looks away. "Nothing!"
You get up and grab your stuff then storm out the class. You head to the astronomy tower where you know your bestfriend will be.
"Zanders?" You get up there and look around. "Zander are you here?"
Davey finally calls out, "Over here, keep your voice down" You walk over to him and see him smoking.
"Can I have a hit?" You ask him, he looks at you for a sec then hands it to you.
"What's going on? Your supposed to be in class." He says before you pass it back to him.
"I'm just so confused. Regulus was being nice to me and flirts with me one night, then after the ball he just started ignoring me. And heaven for bid today of all days he got detention and I did to." You say as you stand up and pace back and for.
"You need a drink, follow me." He pauses "Why did you get detention?"
"Snape." You say as you wait to follow him.
He looks up and nods then continues to a painting on the wall with fruit, he goes to touch the pear as a knob appears and he opens it to a large kitchen.
"How do you know of this place?" y/n ask.
"Idk I just do, now hurry" he says running into a cellar full of drinks, from one's for kids to adults. He grabs some fire whisky and quickly runs out with You behind him, the two bump into James and knock his books out of his hand and continue running.
"LUPIN GET BACK HERE" James yells out to the two that are almost out the building. As the two of them reached the hut Regulus opened the hut door to leave.
"Oh. Didn't know you were here." Davey says trying not to laugh.
"How could you have? We don't talk" Regulus says roiling his eyes.
"Could you for once stop being a douche to all my guy friends." Y/n said walking in the hut and laying on the couch with Davey sitting next to her and she throws her feet over his legs.
"Whatever"Regulus says walking out the hut.

Regulus POV:
Regulus left the hut to go find his brother forgetting him and Y/n had detention. He finds his brother with Remus. "I need to talk to you"

Sirius looks up to his younger brother standing next to him and his boyfriend. "Umm. Okay? Talk" he says.

"It's about Y/n."Regulus says sitting down.

"Ooo please tell me you asked her out!" Remus says with excitement.

"What?! No! I wouldn't ask her out."Regulus says furious at himself. "I mean... I like her but. She hangs out with all these guys. How am I supposed to know if she truly likes me." He says looking down.

"My dear brother you truly are blind" Sirius says putting his hand on his brothers back.

"Regulus my sister cares for you a lot, she just won't show it unless you show it. She's been hurt and lied to so much that she is afraid of love."Remus says looking up at the sky.

"I just wish it was as simple as you two make it seem."Regulus looks at the couple next to him.
They look at eachother and laugh. "I'm sorry what?"Sirius says laughing non stop. "You think we make it look simple?" He looks at his brother.

"Of course, you seem so inlove."Regulus looks up at the sky then back to the two boys.

"Regulus, it's not easy ever, the hardest part is letting someone you care for go, and she cares for you to so don't let her go!" Remus says standing up. "Now we have to get to the others but we will see you later" The couple leave. Regulus sits and things for a while before going back.

Y/n's POV:

After Regulus left, Y/n and Davey drank some fire whiskey; Y/n downed a whole bottle and Davey took sips of the other. "Want the rest?" Davey ask Y/n who is dancing in the middle of the hut.

"Don't mind if I do." She downs the other bottle as well,now drunk. Davey looks at the watch on his wrist and jumps up.
"Shit! It's dinner time, I have to go!" He hugs Y/n and leaves the hut. Y/n was lone in the hut.

Back at Regulus POV:

Regulus heads to dinner and see his brother and his friends sitting with Y/n's friends, but no Y/n. He goes up to Davey. "Hey Davey where's y/n?"

Davey looks up a bit tipsy and high, "Ummm. She should be at the hut still. Why?"

"Nothing it doesn't matter." He sits down and starts to eat. After everyone is down eating they go to their dorms and start packing for the trip to the Lupin manor. He starts for the Hut.
Once he gets to the hut he sees y/n drunk as can be passed out on the couch. He goes to change into his comfortable clothes and then goes to her.
"Y/n, get up." He try's waking her up. She just rolls over to face him.
"Go away Regulus."
"Y/n please get up, you need to get changed." He says as he rest his hand on her side.
"I'll be fine just leave me alone" You sit up and go to change shirts but stumble to the bed.
"Jeez your drunk" Regulus facepalms then goes to help her to her bed.
"I wouldn't be drunk if it wasn't for the fact you have been ignoring after flirting with me. Your leading me on Regulus." You get in bed and roll over facing the other way and start to tear up. Regulus wanted to tell you how he felt, but he knew you would t remember in the morning. He gets up and goes to bed, as much pain as he was in, he knew you were in the same amount of pain.

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