Shes Back

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~4Months later~

I was on the train back home. It was painful to be honest. Nan was no longer sick but I had left my brother and a boy I had fell madly in love with. I only told Klaus about him. The school year was over. It was now the summer break. Nan had invited everyone to stay over for the summer. I was excited to see them of course but part of me was still in New York with my other friends. Nan told me I could invite them. Which I just might.

~Remus POV~
Y/n was coming home along with Nan. We had all gather at the manor to welcome them home! I was excited. It had been 4 months without them which was painful.

"Remus my love?" Sirius called out to me.

"Yes?" I replied

"She's back!" He said happily

We all ran outside to hug them and welcome them back.

"Y/n!" I yelled out as I ran and hugged her right she hugged me tighter.

"Rem!! I've missed you!" She said to me with a smile.

"I've missed you to!" I replied.

"Oh remus dear you've grown taller!" Nana said looking at me.

"Only and inch" I laughed.

"It's good to have you back!" James shouted.

We all laughed. Everyone exchanged hugs but Y/n looked sad. Something was off.

"So Y/n. Did you make friends?" Lilly asked

"I did actually." Y/n replied.

"Lovely!" Lilly said.

"Actually Lilly I met a girl named Ruby. Same age as you, and looks exactly like you. She said she never knew her family but she remembered having a sister."Y/n said curiously

"Interesting." James said

"Well what about any boys?" Lucy asked her

Y/n looked at Klaus who had smiled. Then regulus who looked a bit worried.

~Y/n POV

I looked at Klaus who smiled at me then at Regulus who looked worried.

"I met a lot. All friends. And a boy. He was my Brooklyn baby, he knew everything about everyone." I replied to Lucy.

Everyone smiled and giggled a bit except Regulus. I frowned at the thought of everyone.

"Why don't you invite them?!" Peter shouted

"Oo that would be lovely." Nan said.

"But Nan. What about our magic?" Remus asked

"Oh it's fine. They know. In fact dear invite Mr.Jenkins. Id love to see him again." Nan said smiling at me.

"Nan for Merlin sake I don't want to see you flirting with Mr.Jenkins all summer." I said laughing. "However I would love for you all to meet them."

"The it's settled. I'll call Mr.Jenkins!" Nan said smiling.

"No Nan I will call him you call Crutchie and the others." I said laughing.

Everyone's laughed at me and nan and we all had a good time. I called Mr.Jenkins and told him and the girls to come and nan did the same with the boys. However Letty and Ruby were the only ones that were coming with Mr.Jenkins and Jack, Spot, Crutch, Race, Mush, and Kid Blink we're the only boys to come.

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