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Sirius Caught on instantly but Remus on the other hand didn't at first.

Sirius stands up "You've got to be kidding me!"

"Sirius please try to understand!" Regulus stands up trying to get his brother to relax.

"Wait... so your telling me that you have to share this with him!?" Remus looks confused yet furious. "Are you serious?!"

Remus and Sirius argue with regulus meanwhile you were sitting on your bed when Peter whispers something to you.

"Don't worry you got this" Peter looks over at you shyly and smiles.

"Thanks" You immediately stand up and yell at the three boys. " SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" They just stand there in shock. Remus never knew his sister had the guts to yell at him. "Your acting like children! Now all of you sit this instant and shut up and listen to me!"

"Yes ma'am" all three boys say in union and sit down beside eachother.

"Remus please, you understand how badly I wanted to come here and go to school with you. Sirius, please try to understand that your brother isn't as rude to me as he is to you, your family, so start acting like it. And Regulus I trust you enough to share a Hut with you." Y/n says with full confidence forgetting Peter, James and Lilly were all in the hut with them.

Remus looks at his sister, then to his boyfriend and stands up. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I yelled at you Regulus. And sister I'm sorry, I just don't feel comfortable with you in a place with a guy."

"Well when will you realize I'm not a little girl anymore brother, we are 16. I'm perfectly fine with it myself." You step closer to him.

"Fine." Remus sits down.

"Sirius, is there something you'd like to say?" You sit back on the bed next to Peter.

"Look I'm sorry I yelled, I know how it makes you feel, and Regulus I'm trusting you to take care of her." Sirius gets up and hugs Y/n who is on the bed.

After they all talk it out, Sirius, Remus, Lilly and James all get up and leave to the Gryffindor common room, but Peter stays behind.

"That was smart of you" Peter stands up.

"What?"you look at him confused.

"You stood up for not only yourself, but Regulus too. You might even have saved a relationship" Petter looks at you smiling.

"He's not wrong."Regulus lays back on his bed.

"Oh. Well thank you."You smile at both boys.

"I have to get going, but it was nice meeting you." Peter gets up and walks out the hut before you could say anything.

"He likes you"Regulus chuckles a bit.

"Does not!" You stand up and toss a pillow at him.

"Hey!" He guards himself with his arms.

Both of you start hitting each other with pillows until you start laughing.
"What is so funny now?" Regulus ask.

"I've never had a friend of my own. Yet here I am with you" you sit back on your bed smiling.

"Yeah well unlike you I've had friends. But they all turned on me once they heard my last name." He comes and lays on the bed next to you.

"How did they not know your last name?" You look over at him.

He looks at you, "Well ya see, I never told anyone my last name. Cause they would judge."

"But you told me?"You sit up

"Yes I did, because you were sitting with my brother." He looks at his hands while he messes with his thumbs.

"I think your a lovely guy" you smile at him and lay your head on his chest to hug him.

At first he was shocked, no one had ever hugged Regulus like they meant it. He slowly hugged her back and smiled. "My lovely Y/n, you are the kindest soul I've met."

Y/n stops hugging him and rubs her eyes before yawning. "Are you tired?" Regulus asked.

"Just a little" she says. Regulus gets up and goes to his bed before saying goodnight. They both lay down and fall asleep.

The next day Y/n had woke up before Regulus and got her clothes then went to the girls bathroom in the Castle. When she was done she went to the Great hall and seen Davey.

"Well Good morning Mr.Zanders" she said with a smile.

"Good morning to you to Ms.Lupin." He scoots over so she can sit. "I want to Introduce you to my friend Lucy and Klaus Caspians. They are Brother and Sister."

"I would love to meet them!" You grab a cup of Pumpkin Juice and take a sip.

"Well good thing I'm here" A boy says as he sits next to Y/n.

"Klaus leave the girl alone" The girl chuckles and sits next to Davey.

"Well hello to you to Sir." You chuckle a bit. "Your Lucy Correct?" You say as you look at the girl.

"You are correct. Might I say I love your hair!" Lucy says as she looks up from her book.

"Why thank you!" You say smiling.

"Well I for one think your absolute stunning" Klaus says as he goes to eat his eggs.

"And you are handsome" you giggle

"There you are!" A familiar voice shouts and makes the four of you look up and see Regulus. "I was worried there for a second"

"Oh regulus please, you and I both know you weren't really worried" Y/n rolls her eyes and takes another sip of her drink.

"That's what you believe. I thought you ran off cause of my snoring." He chuckles a bit making you and the other girl giggle.

"Regulus Black"He puts out his hand to shake the other girl and boys hands. "And you are?"

"Klaus Caspians" He shakes Regulus hand then goes back to eating.

"Lucy Caspians" She shakes his hand then goes back to her book.

"Davey Zander" Davey puts out his hand but Regulus doesn't shake his hand.

Y/n looks at Regulus who seems to look Jealous. "Davey and I met yesterday, he is a lot nicer then you" the last part you say with a snappy tone.

"Ouch" regulus puts his hand over his heart like he was shot with an arrow. "Why are you so cranky?"

"I'm not Cranky I just happen to care about others and not myself" with Y/n saying that Regulus walked to the Slytherin table with a furious look on his face.

"Thanks Y/n" Davey looks down at his feet.

"Anytime, after all I am your friend" You smile at Davey even tho he can't see it.

"Shall we get to class?" Lucy says.

"Yes, I have Potions with  Slugghorn First" Y/n stands up and grabs her wand.

"Me too" Davey stands up. "I'll show you where it is!"

The two walk to class and continue there day, Y/n had free time so she went to the Court yard and seen Peter sitting alone.

"Well hello there stranger" You go and sit next to him.

"Hello to you to" He closes his book and looks up to you. "Looks like someone is Jealous" He nods his head towards Regulus who is standing with Lucius and Severus.

"Ughh, why can't he just leave me alone for one day" You fling your head back and sigh.

"Probably cause he likes you" Peter laughs.

"Who likes who?" Remus comes up behind the two of you.

"Brother!" You jump up and hug him.

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