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Regulus and Y/n reach the outside garden of the Manor, and walk through the open doors of the corridor. The two can hear chattering and proceed to the dining room. The two hand in hand walk in and all eyes are on them. Everyone went silent at the sight of these two.

"Well, it seems you to finally talked" Sirius said breaking the silence.

Regulus looks at y/n, then to his brother. "Yeah, we did."

"Well come! Sit sit!" Nan says rushing the two to sit at the table with the others. Y/n sits next to her new brother and her Nan. Everyone begins to go back to their conversations.

"So. Your names Crutch huh?" Y/n asked the boy.

"Yeah, but you can call me Crutchy if ya would like!" The boy said with a huge smile.

"Well Crutchy," Y/n smiled, "Welcome to the Family little brother."

Nan looks at Y/n with a huge smile, she looks at all the kids. Who would have thought One elderly lady could have gathered a friend group and brought them all closer together? Of course. Nana Lupin was the best at being peace into lives, bring laughter, and many other things. Seeing her Grandkids and their amazing friends sitting at this table together having fun made her happy. After dinner everyone went to their rooms. Y/n and Bart went to her room to talk and get to know each other better.

"So Crutchy, where ya from?" Y/n asked.

"I'm from New York." He replied.

"New York huh? Well do you have any friends?" She asked.

"Oh yeah! I have lots."

"Well tell me about them." She says with a soft smile.

"Well theres Jack Kelly, he's my best friend. Then Race and Mush, they like to mess with me but their like my brothers. Skittery and Blink are my close friends, they protect me. I'm fact all the boys do. Oh! And there's this new kid, his names Davey and he has little brother named Les. Sweet people I tell ya!" Crutchy smiles at the thought of all his friends, but Y/n looks more concerned.

"Crutchy, where do you live?" She says tilting her head.

"A lodging house with all the guys. Well most of em." Crutchy replied.

"And how do you pay for it?"

"Selling papes of course. We are called the Newsies." He replied.

Nana Lupin came in the room with a soft but fake smile. "Crutch dear I think it's time to go to your room for the night."

"Yes ma'am" Crutchie gets up and head to his room.

"Nan is everything okay?" Y/n asked turning towards her Nana.

"Yes my dear." Nan says as she sits at the foot of the bed. "Well not exactly." Nan closes the door with a flick of her wand.

"What's the matter?" Y/n asked worried.

"My dear. The reason I invited you all hear was because I'm sick." Nan replied as the smile on her face fades.


"I didn't want to tell you and your brother. I wanted to wait til you were together and make sure you had a good break but I'm afraid it is getting worse." Nan says.

"Well can't the doctors do anything?!" Y/n asked in tears.

"Not the ones we have here. Once the break is over, I'm going with Crutch to New York to see a doctor there."

"LET ME COME!" Y/n yells in tears. "I want to be by your side, to know your okay!"

Nan just looks down. "We will talk about it later. Don't mention anything to your brother please."

Nan gets up and heads out of Y/n's room. Y/n in tears runs to slam her door then throws herself on the bed crying. Nothing could help right now. Or so she thought. Regulus came running in her room. He could tell she was in pain. Not cause she was crying but because when he sat on her bed she quickly rapped her arms around him. She didn't look up to see who it was or anything. She just held him and he did the same.

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