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After the 8 of them finished talking and drinking tea/ coffee. They went to the kitchen to start lunch since it was officially 10:30 a.m. Yes everyone slept in except them. Nan and the three girls were working on lunch while the boys just chatted.

"Good morning everyone!" Sirius shouts.

"Goodmorning Nan." Crutchie says going to give her and Y/n a hug.

"Man those beds are comfortable." Race says.

"Oh yeah." Skittery and Kid Blink say laughing.

"Kid!" Y/n says running to hug the boy with an eye patch.

"You seen me yesterday." Kid said laughing.

"Yeah but luckily your my favorite." She said laughing.

Race, Mush, Spot, Jack, Crutchie, Letty, Ruby, and Skittery acted like they just got hit in the heart by an arrow. "Ouch"

"Oh hush you all knew this." Y/n said laughing.

"Goodmorning!" Peter, Regulus, Lilly, and James all said as they walked in the door way to the kitchen where everyone was at.

"Hey Y/n can we talk?" Regulus asked.

"Uhh sure." She says. As regulus walks out Y/n turns around to see her Nan, Lilly, Ruby, Mush, Spot, Remus, and Jack all motioning for her to go.

~Regulus POV~

I woke up with my mind still confused about last night. I got up and seen it was 10:30 so I got up and showered quickly and got dress. I walked downstairs and me and the others said Goodmorning to everyone. I seen Y/n and asked her to talk.

"Hey Y/n can we talk?" I asked.

"Uh sure." She replied back to me.

I walked out with her following behind me. Once we got to the study where no one was at I closed the door behind us.

"So what's up?" She asked looking at me nervously.

"What did you mean last night?" I asked her.

"What?" She asked looking a bit worried.

"I asked if you loved him. And you said if I was asking if you loved me or him it was me and always has been basically..." I sighed. "What did you mean by it's always been me?"

"Look Regulus.." she paused and sat in the chair sitting in front of me. "I never lost feelings for you. Me and Spot. Well we are friends. I didn't intend on falling for him but I did. We broke it off and stayed friends then we talked last night and he reassured me that he didn't have feelings as well. I love him as a friend but Regulus I've always loved you as more than a friend."

I was shacked. I was happy a series of emotions flooded me.

"Look Reggie I don't expect you to feel the sa-" she went to speak but i immediately cut her off with a kiss. A passionate kiss. She's all I have wanted. I have been waiting for the day she came back hoping her feelings never changed because I was so madly and deeply in love with this girl who has helped me grow.

~Y/n POV~

"Look Reggie I don't expect you to feel the sa-" I went to explain to Regulus I didn't expect him to feel the same for me anymore despite what everyone said and he cut me off by kissing me. I kissed back. I had been longing for this day to come. Regulus Black. The boy I met who at first seemed to hate me but then he didn't. When he kissed me I melted I gave in. He was all I ever wanted. And I had him.

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