Nana Lupin's Manor

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The group of friends arrived at the gates of the Manor. "Alright, off ya go." The man on the front of the carriage says.

The boys, Lily, and Lucy get there stuff but very slowly and start to talk about the manor and how big it was compared to their houses. Y/n on the other hand had quickly grabbed her things walked to the front of the gate and cast a spell to open it, "Alohomora" and the gate opened slowly but she ran to get to the front door. Before she could knock the door opened and Y/n looked down to see "Myrtle!" She yelled.

"Miss Y/n, you have grown."The house elf says. 

She bends down to hug Myrtle, Y/n's favorite house elf since she was a little girl. Of course the two Lupin kids didn't know about the Manor, but however they did know that Nana Lupin had house elves cause they would come around for Christmas and other holidays. Though they had never treated them like that, Nan, Y/n, and Remus treated them like they were family.

"Would you like me to take your bags?" Myrtle says putting a hand out.

"Don't be silly Myrtle, I can carry them myself. However you could show me to my room." She replied 

"Of course, right this way." Myrtle does a little bow and turns to start walking.

"Mobiliarbus"Y/n cast a charm to have her bags follow her and Myrtle to the room.  They both chatted for a while, and said hey to a few elves that they passed by. Soon enough they get to the room and the doors open with a slight touch to it. 

the doors open to reveal:

"NO WAY!" Y/n jumps up and down in excitement

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"NO WAY!" Y/n jumps up and down in excitement. 

"I hope you enjoy your stay, I'm going to help the others. " Myrtle walks away before Y/n could respond. 

Y/n walked in the room with her bags floating behind and motioned with her wand for them to drop. She started to unpack her things when she seen a photo. Y/n picked up the photo of her and Regulus the night of the ball. The last day the two talked. It crushed her that they were no longer friends but he did it to himself and to her. Y/n puts the picture in the trash next to a nightstand and sits on the bed with her head in her hands. Meanwhile Nana Lupin was making her way to the bedroom to see Y/n, who was crying.

"My dear, What is the matter?" Nan  asked as she pulls a chair in-front of Y/n.

Y/n looks up "Regulus." she replied as she cried harder.

Nan moved closer to her an hugged her," Why don't you tell me what happened." 

Y/n goes on to tell Nan what happened every day since the Yule ball, eventually there was a knock on Y/n's door. Nan gets up to reveal Sirius. "Nan. You look wonderful as ever" He grabs her hand and kisses it slightly then lets go.

"oh darling, you always know how to be respectful. Now where is your future husband?"Nan asked grinning at the last part. 

"Wh- what do you mean Nan?" He asked nervously.

"What she means to say is when are you gonna pop the question?" Y/n laughs a bit as she walks towards the door.

"Well I was actually gonna ask on Christmas day, Nan maybe you could help me out?" Sirius says waiting for the Older lady to respond.

"Well of course my dear, anything to make my favorite happy." Nan says smirking at the last part knowing it would put a small smile on Y/n.

"Hey, I'm right here." Y/n laughed. "Now dear brother-In-Law, what have you come to say?"

"Well Poppy sent me up to tell you both it was time for dinner, and Myrtle told me which room was yours." Sirius replied.

"Oh my, Has it really been that long?" Nan looks at the clock on the wall. 

"You two go ahead, I'm gonna change first"Y/n says motioning the two out of her room. They look at each other and walk away. The door shut behind them and Y/n goes to grab a change of clothes. She changes and looked down to realize that a note had fell out of her bag.

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