The day two friends broke apart

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Finally, The day everyone has been waiting for. Nana Lupin would be waiting at The Lupin Manor for here grandchildren and their friends to come and stay during their break. Y/n was the first of her friends to wake up that morning of course she didn't know it yet. She got up out of bed, stretched then used a little bit of magic to get her things together and clean the hut without waking Regulus. After doing so she grabbed a pair of clothes to wear for the day and her shoes then went to the girls bathroom to shower and change, once she finished she decided to go to breakfast hoping to see her friends but when she walked in the great hall, the only thing she seen was teachers and small groups from each  house. Some looked happy to leave but others just looked tired, She went to the very end of the Ravenclaw table and started to eat. After 15 minutes her brother, Sirius, and Peter were coming to sit next to her and infront of her.

"Well Hello." Sirius said as he sat infront of her.

"Look I don't wanna hear anything for the next 5 minutes."She says as she grabs her head knowing the cause of the pain.

"You went missing yesterday. So we want answers." Remus says as he puts his hand on her back. Remus may not have seen her but he knew something was wrong cause his sister would never miss dinner knowing her friends were there.

"We were worried about you yesterday." Peter says hugging her from the side.

"I just had a lot going on, then I went to get some drinks from the kitchen. Simple as that." She rolls her eyes at the last part and lays her head on Peter's shoulder.

The boys all look at each other then nod. "Well cheer up cause we get to see Nan today!" Remus yells with excitement.

She looks at her brother, then her feet "Seeing Nan is the only thing that I'm looking forward to."

Peter looks at Remus and Sirius and they exchanged a very curious look. "Umm, Love?" Peter says looking back at Y/n, she looks up at him. "What do you mean?" Peter asked

"Ughhh, must I tell you boys everything?" She looks at all three boys, and sure enough they all shook their heads yes. She sighs with Disappointment. "Well if you must know my best friend has completely ruined my mood and I need to see Nan to talk to her before I go utterly insane."

"Well. Then why are we still sitting here?" Sirius ask.

Remus let's put a small "Huh?"

"What I'm saying is get up and get your stuff, I'll gather the others so we can get going!" Sirius says jumping out of the seat.

Sirius runs off to gather the others from their dorm before anyone can reply. Peter gets up and kisses Y/n on the forehead then left to go to gather his things. Remus on the other hand looked at his sister then goes on to ask "What happened?"

"Wh-what do you mean?" Y/n asked

"Did you and Regulus get in a fight?" He asked

She looks down, "I'm not sure what happened. One minute he's flirting with me, the next he's ignoring me. Yesterday I decided to have a little fun instead of focus on him."she looks up after finishing.

"One thing I have learned about the two of you, is you both care for each other but won't say it, you will show it when you choose but never say it."Remus moved to sit next to his sister. "But don't let what happens ruin your time with your friends and family." He kisses his sisters forehead then gets up, "now I have to go pack, I love you."

Before she could reply, her brother walked off. She sits there to think for a while before getting up to get her friends.
Y/n's Thoughts:
What am I gonna do? Brothers right. Maybe I should forget him, I do like Peter to. Peter. Why do you make me this way Reggie? Maybe I should get The Ravens so we can go. I wonder if Jennings will be at Nans, or Pattie. Oooh how much fun it would be to see them!

End of Y/ns thoughts:

Y/n stands up to gather the Ravens so they can leave, after she does so she goes back to the hut to get her things when she sees Regulus laying on his bed READING!

"Ummm, Reg?"She says

"What?" He say in a snappy tone

"Nothing, Just wanted to know if you were still coming to the Manor with us?" Y/n replied while avoiding eye contact and grabbing her things.


"Fine. Hopefully after break they will have more room in the dorms." She says angrily.

"Why? Cause your butthurt?" Regulus asked sarcastically.

"No!" She paused "Because I don't want to be stuck with someone who is a complete ass to the people that cares for him most." She storms out the room to meet the others waiting for her so they can leave. She storms past them and gets on the boats. Everyone was confused but also to scared to ask. Everyone laughed and chatted on the train except Y/n, she just sat alone, once the train stops they get out to see two carriages waiting for them all. They get on and set off for the Manor.

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