The Yule Ball

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"Now who has a crush on my sister?" Remus laughs.

"I believe Regulus does but she's in denial" Peter looks up at Remus. "Wait, why aren't you in class?"

"Sirius got us in detention but I seen y'all so I wanted to come see my sister" Remus rolls his eyes then laughs. "Well anyways I must get going before I get in more trouble." Remus hugs his sister goodbye then leaves to go to detention.

"Why would you tell my brother that?" Y/n sits back down next to Peter.

"What? Ya know he agrees." Peter opens back his book.

Y/n gets up and starts to her next class. She enters the class room to see Professor Keys talking to some of the other first years.

"Y/n! Over here!" A familiar voice calls out from the other side of the Classroom.

"Klaus, I didn't know you had this class" She walks over to him and sits.

"How would you? I never told you" he laughs then looks back at Y/n. "Has your brother told you about the Yule ball?" He says with a serious face.

"Not that I can recall, why?" You open your book ready to take notes.

"We'll it's in a few months, only 3rd years and up get to go" He opens his book and starts to write the classes intro for todays lesson. "Anyways, if me or Davey don't have a date, would you like to come?"

"You said it yourself, 2nd years can't go." You look up at him. "Why are you asking so early?"

"I'm asking early cause I know that eventually some girls will ask me and Quite frankly I rather die then go with the girls at the school." He laughs before getting interrupted.

"Mr.Caspians, Ms.Lupin. Would you like to share with the Class what you were saying?" Professor Keys looks at the two of them.

"Well if you must know Professor I was asking my dear friend here if she would like to go to the Yule ball with me this year being as I am a taken man but my love doesn't go to school here" Klaus stands up tall and Confidently.

"And I agreed to go with him being the supportive friend I am" Y/n stands up and laughs a bit.

"Oh" Professor stands there in shock before replying, "Well, I'm sorry for interrupting but I need you to focus"
The two sat down laughing then looked back at the Professor and started back to taking notes.

Over the next few months Y/n has gotten closer to her three friends in Ravenclaw along with Peter and Regulus. Of course Regulus got a jealous of how much time Y/n spent with Davey and Klaus. It's now the Beginning of December, and I'm the Great hall everyone is eating Breakfast when everyone's owls come in.

"Hey Y/n isn't that your owl?" Lucy points at the Snow White owl that is last to fly in.

"Yes it is" Y/n stands up and puts her hand out for the owl to set the box it has in her hands.

"What do you think it is?" Klaus says being nosy.

"I'm not sure" You say as you sit down to open the box. As you open the box you see a beautiful ring on a chain.

"There's a letter in the box!"Davey says with excitement. "Maybe it says who it's from"

You open the letter and read. "To my lovely Y/n. The other day you we were in Hogsmade and we seen a ring you liked. Unfortunately they didn't have it in your size so I got a chain to put it on. -Sincerely, YouKnowWho"

"Who is that?" Davey asked with a huge smile.

"It just so happens to be my secret admirer" You say winking at Klaus.

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